【ENG DUB】God of War: Zhao Zilong | Action, Costume | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI Movie English

【ENG DUB】God of War: Zhao Zilong | Action, Costume | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI Movie English

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【Chinese Title】《#赵子龙》

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【Cast】贺军翔 Mike Ha, 杨舒枫 Shufeng Yang, 李田野 Tianye Li, 南思恺 Sikai Nan, 刁标 Biao Diao

After seven years of silence in Changshan, Zhao Zilong, due to the turmoil of war, ended up in Ye City and reunited with Liu Bei. The story revolves around Zhao Zilong’s growth, depicting his journey of trials and tribulations. With the encouragement from Liu Bei and other mentors, as well as the harsh realities that push him forward, Zhao gradually rediscovers himself and his ideals. In the end, he becomes a capable general in the Han Dynasty.
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Download Movie 【ENG DUB】God of War: Zhao Zilong | Action, Costume | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI Movie English

【ENG SUB】True and False Monkey King | Action, Fantasy | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

【ENG SUB】True and False Monkey King | Action, Fantasy | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

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【Chinese Title】《#真假美猴王之大圣无双》

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【Cast】杜奕衡 John Do, 贺刚 Gang He, 胡林希 Lillian Hu, 程野 Ye Cheng, 金巧巧 Qiaoqiao Jin

To save the female demon Ziteng, who was injured by Sun Wukong, Liuer agrees to impersonate Sun Wukong and disrupt Tang Seng’s journey to obtain the scriptures. In order to prove his identity, Liuer engages in multiple battles with Sun Wukong. However, distinguishing between the real and the fake becomes increasingly challenging for the others. Gradually, Liuer forgets his true identity and firmly believes that he is Sun Wukong. In the name of ensuring the peace of all beings, Liuer ultimately chooses to stand side by side with Sun Wukong in battle, even willing to sacrifice himself for the cause.
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Download Movie 【ENG SUB】True and False Monkey King | Action, Fantasy | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

【ENG SUB】The Hero Named Koxinga | Action, Costume, War | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI Movie English

【ENG SUB】The Hero Named Koxinga | Action, Costume, War | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI Movie English

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【Chinese Title】《#延平王郑成功传奇》

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【Cast】樊少皇 Louis Fan, 阚昕 Xin Kan, 李先时 Xianshi Li, 熊欣欣 Xinxin Xiong, 冷海铭 Marco Leng

In the second year of the Ming Dynasty’s Longwu era, the Qing army launched a campaign to conquer territory in the south. Wherever they went, there was the smoke of gunpowder and the thundering of cannons. Zheng Chenggong, also known as Lord Yanping, led his troops to fiercely defend their land. Despite facing challenges such as his father’s defection to the Qing, his mother’s death, and his uncle’s betrayal, Zheng Chenggong, a legendary general, remained steadfast in his commitment to protect his homeland and never retreated!
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Download Movie 【ENG SUB】The Hero Named Koxinga | Action, Costume, War | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI Movie English

【ENG SUB】Sword Dynasty: Messy Inn | Wuxia, Comedy | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

【ENG SUB】Sword Dynasty: Messy Inn | Wuxia, Comedy | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

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【Chinese Title】《#剑王朝之九境长生》

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【Cast】肖旭 Struggle Xiao, 刘海蓝 Hailan Liu, 张维娜 Vina Zhang, 卢野 Ye Lu, 惠园 Juicy Hui

During the period of Warring States, seven countries fought for the only hegemony. King Qin’s army was invincible and won many diplomatic victories, eventually annexing other countries. However, where King Qin’s army went, there were many corpses and thousands of miles of barren land left. The people found it hard to live on and they were complaining. A group of people with lofty ideals inside and outside the imperial court formed an alliance against King Qin, they wrote down the edict hidden in clothes regardless of life and death, and vowed to overthrow King Qin to bring back peace to the world.
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Download Movie 【ENG SUB】Sword Dynasty: Messy Inn | Wuxia, Comedy | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

【ENG SUB】The First Myth Clash of Gods | Fantasy,Adventure | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

【ENG SUB】The First Myth Clash of Gods | Fantasy,Adventure | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

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【Chinese Title】《#封神榜:决战万仙阵》

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【Cast】张植绿 Zhang Zhi Lv, 李沁谣 Jun Jun, 于非 Yu Fei, 韩梦武 Han Mengwu, 陈键锋 SAMMUL

During the Battle of Muye, Jiang Ziya led his troops and broke through the defending pass. Shen Gongbao and Tongtian Jiaozhu combined their power and created the Deity Massacre Formation as they try to wipe out the Zhou Dynasty and the deities who are trying to oppose them. Yang Jian, Ne Zha, and the others tried their best to defend against them, defeating Shen Gongbao and Tongtian Jiaozhu, saving the world.
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Download Movie 【ENG SUB】The First Myth Clash of Gods | Fantasy,Adventure | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

【ENG SUB】Snake Lady | Horror, Adventure, Drama | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

【ENG SUB】Snake Lady | Horror, Adventure, Drama | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

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【Chinese Title】《#蛇灾:蛇岛惊魂》

【Cast】龚小钧 Xiaojun Gong, 王一涵 Wang Yi Han, 于柏林 Yu Bolin

Li Tong came to Snake Island with his company’s documentary team to collect news, but also to find the truth about his father’s disappearance back then. Several people landed on the island only to discover the weirdness of the island’s indigenous people, their resistance to outsiders makes everyone feel very strange. The only inn on the island that is open to the public is run by two sisters, Lan Ran and Lan Sha. The eccentric character of her sister Lan Ran, as well as the cautiousness of Lan Sha and the cruelty of her servant Batu, put them in deep danger. They finally learn the truth behind Lan Ran and the others but are under siege by three giant snakes on the island, at this moment, a mysterious person saved Li Tong and others…
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Download Movie 【ENG SUB】Snake Lady | Horror, Adventure, Drama | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

【ENG SUB】Golden Escape | Action, Crime, Gangster | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

【ENG SUB】Golden Escape | Action, Crime, Gangster | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

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【Chinese Title】《#黄金大逃狱》

【Cast】张建声 Justin Cheung, 吕良伟 Ray Lui, 陈保元 Ricky Chan, 李灿森 Sam Lee Chan-sam, 汤镇业 Kent Tong

Ah Zheng is a small film scriptwriter. He found a treasure map among his grandfather’s belongings by accident, and the location of the treasure is underneath the prison in Chilang Bay. In order to use this wealth to change his fate, he enters the prison with a detailed plan and knowingly breaks the law to serve his sentence, hoping to get 20 million dollars’ worth of gold bars by himself and then get out. Entering the prison, he was able to trick the authorities, but not the personnel. On the one hand, he is oppressed by the prison bully “Big Biao,” on the other hand, he has the righteous person “Xie” to his excessive care, resulting in the “gold plan” to be accidentally leaked. Ah Zheng has to escape from prison. When he is about to break out of prison successfully, Ah Zheng awakens to his wrongdoing and then hangs back, and the three of them are finally sanctioned by the law.
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Download Movie 【ENG SUB】Golden Escape | Action, Crime, Gangster | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

【ENG】The Gods Legend Movie Live 封神系列电影放送 |《#封神榜决战万仙阵》《#封神杨戬》《#封神托塔天王》《#封神榜决战万仙阵》《雷震子:封神缘起》《#封神榜妖灭》

【ENG】The Gods Legend Movie Live 封神系列电影放送 |《#封神榜决战万仙阵》《#封神杨戬》《#封神托塔天王》《#封神榜决战万仙阵》《雷震子:封神缘起》《#封神榜妖灭》

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欢迎订阅“爱奇艺大电影 iQIYI MOVIE THEATER”频道: Subscribe to us and enjoy the hottest Chinese variety movie 【内容简介】 欢迎订阅“爱奇艺大电影 iQIYI MOVIE THEATER”频道: Subscribe to us and enjoy the hottest Chinese variety movie 【内容简介】【​#封神人物志 / The Gods Legend Series Story】系列电影即将震撼来袭,中国神话史诗类型拓荒之作,恢宏瑰丽封神世界震撼人心!
“封神”神话经典角色依次登场,你最喜欢哪一位?The classic characters of the mythological ” The Gods Legend” are coming!Which person is your favorte?



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Download Movie 【ENG】The Gods Legend Movie Live 封神系列电影放送 |《#封神榜决战万仙阵》《#封神杨戬》《#封神托塔天王》《#封神榜决战万仙阵》《雷震子:封神缘起》《#封神榜妖灭》

【ENG SUB】The Whirlwind of Sword and Fairy | Wuxia, Action | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

【ENG SUB】The Whirlwind of Sword and Fairy | Wuxia, Action | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

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【Chinese Title】《#仙剑风云》

【Cast】陈浩民 Benny Chan, 徐冬冬 Raquel, 张明明 Zhang Ming Ming

A hundred years ago, the ancestor of the Immortal Sword Sect, Master Zhang, fought with the leader of the Inhumans, Emperor Yu, for seven days and seven nights, and sealed the Inhumans’ weapon “Jiu Li” in the Immortal Sword Sect. A hundred years later, Zhang Zhilin, a disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect, drew up a plan to let the subordinates of the emperor steal the fake Ziqing Swords. Zhang Zhilin’s uncle fights against the emperor, but he is outnumbered, and the seal of Jiu Li is broken! Zhang Zhilin and Shen Yun know that the situation is urgent and close down to cultivate the double swords of the Purple Sun and the Blue Underworld. After much suspicion, Shen Yun sees Zhang Zhilin sacrificing his life to save him, and the two of them grow closer with each other and finally succeed in combining their swords, sweeping the sky and defeating the emperor!
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Download Movie 【ENG SUB】The Whirlwind of Sword and Fairy | Wuxia, Action | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

【ENG SUB】My Dream Girl | Comedy, Romance | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

【ENG SUB】My Dream Girl | Comedy, Romance | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

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【Chinese Title】《#炮制女朋友》

【Cast】 郑伊健 Ekin Cheng, 赵薇 Vicki Zhao, 吴耀汉 Richard Ng, 谷德昭 Vincent Kok, 梁静 Jing Liang

After returning to China to develop his business in Shanghai, wealthy businessman Zhang Tian locates his long-lost daughter Zhang Ning (played by Vicki Zhao). Disapproving of her behavior and mannerisms, he hires Ah Zhu (played by Ekin Cheng), a Hong Kong designer who has been unemployed for a long time, to give her a makeover, hoping that she can inherit his business.
Initially, Zhang Ning and Ah Zhu have many awkward and conflicting encounters. However, Zhang Ning eventually becomes transformed into the ideal image of a woman in her father’s eyes, and during this process, they gradually develop feelings for each other. At a banquet hosted by Zhang Tian, Zhang Ning’s poised and graceful demeanor catches the attention of a diplomat’s son, who begins pursuing her. Before Zhang Ning can make a choice, Ah Zhu, feeling insecure, resigns and returns to Hong Kong. Zhang Ning later goes to Hong Kong in an attempt to encourage Ah Zhu to regain his confidence.
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Download Movie 【ENG SUB】My Dream Girl | Comedy, Romance | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

【ENG SUB】The Dragon Nine | Action, Comedy, Fantasy | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

【ENG SUB】The Dragon Nine | Action, Comedy, Fantasy | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

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【Chinese Title】《#龙生九子》

【Cast】 阚犇犇 Benben Kan, 郑子好 Zheng Zi Hao, 李威 Wei Lee, 林皓洋 HaoYang Lin, 李梦露
MengLu Li, 孟繁淼 FanMiao Meng

The last descendent of the declining dragon family bloodline, Feng Yi Fan, accidentally swallowed the ancestral secret treasure Dragon Nine pills and magically gave birth to the talented Long Jiuzi. Jiuzi is able to speak the moment he was born, and the legend has it that Jiuzi’s flesh and blood are able to refine and come together itself and will give eternal life. This caused Jiuzi to be coveted by many evil forces, so the family embarked on an escape journey. The crazy journey to escape with near-death experiences allowed the family to grow as a whole, and also allowed the talented Jiuzi understand the responsibility and role of everyone’s existence. In the end, he was able to protect everyone with teamwork and cooperation.
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【ENG SUB】 See the Sea | Adventure, Drama | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

【ENG SUB】 See the Sea | Adventure, Drama | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH

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【Chinese Title】《#猎海日志》

【Cast】 陈小春 Jordan Chan, 王伊瑶 Vanessa, 赵廷峪 Patrick

Wu Qin, the heir of the sea-hunting family, lost his lover Su Ruoshui in an operation because of the family curse. He has since left the world’s largest salvage organization, the sea-hunting army, to return to the interior while operating a hot pot restaurant and secretly researching the mystery of the family curse. The key to open the ruins is the treasure “Nanming Wall.” Three years later, the lost secret treasure “Nanming Wall” reappears and is obtained by a fisherman, who lures Wu Qin to come back to the mountain. Wu Qin returned to the sea cadet army and the sea fisherman reached a cooperation to solve the mystery of the Nanming Wall…
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Download Movie 【ENG SUB】 See the Sea | Adventure, Drama | Chinese Movie 2023 | iQIYI MOVIE ENGLISH