Les Amish, une communauté d’un autre âge

Les Amish, une communauté d’un autre âge
Les Amish, une communauté d’un autre âge

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Bienvenue en Pennsylvanie, le berceau des Amishs aux États-Unis.
Ils forment un groupe ethnoreligieux chrétien d’origine germanique et sont connus pour mener une vie simple, pacifique et austère, se tenant à l’écart du progrès et des influences du monde extérieur.
Après plusieurs mois d’approches, nous réussissons enfin à filmer le quotidien de cette communauté d’un autre âge.

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Somalia, The Modern Pirates

Somalia, The Modern Pirates
Somalia, The Modern Pirates

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For several months, from the Seychelles Islands to the Somali coast, Olivier Joulie went to meet fishing bosses, soldiers and even pirates… His very detailed investigation betrays the disarray that reigns in a region where fish catches are multiplying hostages.

Covering two million square kilometers, from the Indian Ocean to the Gulf of Aden, the area has become one of all dangers. In 2009, more than two hundred ships were victims of acts of piracy there. Giant oil tankers, cruise ships or fishing boats, no building is safe. In Port Victoria, the crews of Spanish tuna boats do not hide their concern. Barring a miracle, they will have to rely only on themselves to repel the pirate attacks. This is no longer the case for their French colleagues. The owners of the nine fishing boats engaged in the region ended up putting their hands in their pockets. For an amount estimated at 2.5 million euros, they now ensure the presence on board of around sixty marines.

Men ready for anything
In order to secure the region, Europe set up Operation Atalanta in 2008. A device engaging frigates and patrol aircraft. Protection considered, by many, insufficient. Especially since, entering Somalia, and particularly in Puntland, Olivier Joulie realizes that the lure of profit is pushing more and more Somalis towards delinquency. They sometimes obtain millions of euros to free the ships they have taken control of. The causes of the explosion of this maritime crime are crystal clear for Sayid Aden Cade, the mayor of the village of Hobyo: “Intensive fishing by large foreign boats destroys wildlife. They draw on our natural resources and the fish are gradually disappearing . Our fishermen, with their simple nets, do not have the means to fight and they are becoming more and more poor…” No reason in sight for the pirates to soon put away their skiffs and their Kalashnikovs…
Director: Olivier Joulie

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The End of Jim Morrison

The End of Jim Morrison
The End of Jim Morrison

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1971. When Jim Morrison was at the height of his career, The Doors seemed unstoppable. Six years of intensive career, 6 albums, 200 concerts.
Jim Morrison had become a music legend…until a tragic end. Full documentary on the life of this rock icon, from the beginning… until the end.

Director: Michaelle Gagnet

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Dog is Man’s First Friend: The Untold Story of Dogs

Dog is Man’s First Friend: The Untold Story of Dogs
Dog is Man’s First Friend: The Untold Story of Dogs

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This documentary explores the extraordinary journey of dogs from their origins as wild wolves to becoming humanity’s oldest and most loyal companions. Over 20,000 years, dogs have played crucial roles in human survival and society—aiding in hunting, guarding livestock, protecting from danger, navigating harsh environments, and saving lives.
Today, they continue to enrich our lives, offering comfort, companionship, and emotional support. The film delves into how dogs evolved alongside humans, the development of their unique abilities, and the profound impact they have on our lives.
Highlighting remarkable stories from around the globe, it showcases the heroism and extraordinary talents of dogs, celebrating their place as not just pets, but as irreplaceable allies and friends.
Through a blend of scientific insights and heartwarming tales, viewers will discover the incredible journey of dogs becoming man’s first friend.

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Murder Mubarak | Official Trailer | Pankaj Tripathi, Sara Ali Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Vijay Varma

Murder Mubarak | Official Trailer | Pankaj Tripathi, Sara Ali Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Vijay Varma
Murder Mubarak | Official Trailer | Pankaj Tripathi, Sara Ali Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Vijay Varma

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A murder has happened at the Royal Delhi Club, and ACP Bhavani Singh has the impossible task of finding the killer, when every member is a suspect!
Murder Mubarak, releasing on 15th March, only on Netflix!

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Premiers hommes, le début de l’humanité

Premiers hommes, le début de l’humanité
Premiers hommes, le début de l’humanité

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La grande aventure des origines de l’être humain à travers l’histoire d’une seule et même famille, un groupe d’hommes, de femmes et d’enfants dont la caméra partage les épreuves, les drames et les joies tout au long des étapes majeures de l’évolution.

Réalisation : Frédéric Fougea, Jérôme Guiot

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КРОЎ НА ТРАВЕ. Фільм Маргарыты Ляўчук / BLOOD ON THE GRASS. Film by Margarita Levchuk

КРОЎ НА ТРАВЕ. Фільм Маргарыты Ляўчук / BLOOD ON THE GRASS. Film by Margarita Levchuk
КРОЎ НА ТРАВЕ. Фільм Маргарыты Ляўчук / BLOOD ON THE GRASS. Film by Margarita Levchuk

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КРОЎ НА ТРАВЕ. Фільм Маргарыты Ляўчук / BLOOD ON THE GRASS. Film by Margarita Levchuk [English text below]

Візуальны гвалт дзяржаўнай сімволікай — ці магчыма гэта? У сваім дакументальным фільме беларуская оперная спявачка, актрыса, актывістка і блогерка Маргарыта Ляўчук ладзіць сваё даследванне.

Яна распытывае дызайнераў, стылістку, урбаніста, а таксама былых палітзняволеных беларусаў, што не так з чырвона-зялёнымі спалучэннямі ў Беларусі. Разбіраецца ,чаму дыктатарскі рэжым выкарыстоўвае сімволіку як частку «прыгоннай ідэалогіі» і з якой прычыны гэта менавіта гвалт.

У фільме закранаецца гісторыя чырвона-зялёнага сцяга, аспекты якой замоўчвае, альбо скажае прапаганда рэжыму, а таксама прыводзіцца гісторыя паходжання арнамента на беларускім сцягу.

Аўтарка фільма распавядае пра лекаванне псіхалагічнай траўмы пры дапамозе гумару і творчасці.

Visual violence by means of state symbols — is it even possible? In her documentary, the Belarusian opera singer, actress, activist and blogger Margarita Levchuk dives deep into the subject matter.

She interviews designers, a stylist, an urban developement expert, and also former Belarusian political prisoners on what is wrong with the red-and-green color combination in Belarus. The documentary unpacks how the dictatotship uses the symbols as part of the “serf ideology” and why this is nothing short of violence.

The footage includes the history of the red-and-green flag, some parts of which have been silenced or distorted by the state propaganda, and also tells of the origin of the ornament on the Belarusian flag.

The author also talks about treating the psychological trauma with comedy and creativity.

Ідэя / Idea
Маргарыта Ляўчук
Margarita Levchuk

Генеральны прадзюсар / General Producer
Алесь Чахоўскі
Aleś Chakhoūski

Выканаўчы прадзюсар / Executive Producer
Анастасія Дробыш
Anastasia Drobysh

Рэжысёр / Director
Арцём Лобач
Artsiom Lobach

Сцэнар / Script
Маргарыта Ляўчук
Margarita Levchuk

Аператар / DOP
Ягор Яфімаў
Yahor Yafimau

Мантаж / Editing
Арцём Лобач
Artsiom Lobach

Колеракарэкцыя / CC
Ягор Яфімаў
Yahor Yafimau

Графіка ды дызайн / CG and Design

Гукарэжысёр / Sound Engineer
Аляксандр Карнейчук
Aliaksandr Karneichuk

Арт-дырэктар, мастак па касцюмах / Art Director, Costume Designer
Аліна Чорная
Alina Chornaya

Мастак па грыму / Makeup Artist
Лiдзiя Яльцова
Lidija Elcova

Пераклад на ангельскую / Translation into English
Ілля Даньшын
Ilya Danshyn

У фільме здымаліся / Starring

Маргарыта Ляўчук
Margarita Levchuk

Уладзімер Цэслер
Vladimir Tsesler

Наталі Радкявічэ
Natali Radkevice

Віталь Дубік
Vital Dubik

Андрэй Вазьянаў
Andrei Vazyanau

Чамурака Міхаіл
Chemuraka Mikhail

Воля Гарбунова
Volya Garbunova

Андрэй Шляпаў
Andrei Shliapau

Руслан Серадзюк
Ruslan Sereduk

Алена Дзядзюля
Alena Dziadziulia

Андрэй Павук
Andrei Pavuk

Maisha Easa

Souleymane Ouedraogo

Andre Remedio

Выказываем падзяку за дапамогу ў стварэнні фільма
The producers wish to thank the following contributors

Віту Самсонаву
Vit Samsonau

Васілю Раманішку
Vasili Ramanishka

Беларусам Бостана і Новай Англіі
Belarusians of Boston and New England

Ігару Кацэмбу
Igor Katsemba

Марыне Львовай
Marina Lvova

Арцёму Краўчанку
Artem Kravchenko

Кірылу Новікаву
Kirill Novikov

Магутнаму Зубру
Mahutny Zubr


Дар’і Сліж
Darya Slizh

Дзмітрыю Шумаку
Dzmitry Shumak

Ягору Яцуку
Egor Yatsuk


Download Movie КРОЎ НА ТРАВЕ. Фільм Маргарыты Ляўчук / BLOOD ON THE GRASS. Film by Margarita Levchuk

South Africa: Soldiers at War Against Poachers | Full Documentary

South Africa: Soldiers at War Against Poachers | Full Documentary
South Africa: Soldiers at War Against Poachers | Full Documentary

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In South Africa, determined people, both men and women, are coming together in a united effort to safeguard rhinos and other endangered wildlife from ruthless poachers. Armed with their courage and dedication, these protectors, some with military backgrounds or as volunteers, are rallying to defend the precious flora and fauna of national parks. Their mission: to combat this pressing threat and preserve the environment for future generations.

Director: Frédéric Cristea

Download Movie South Africa: Soldiers at War Against Poachers | Full Documentary

Killer New Released Kannada Dubbed official | Kannada full movie HD | Telugu dubbed Kannada movies

Killer New Released Kannada Dubbed official | Kannada full movie HD  | Telugu dubbed Kannada movies
Killer New Released Kannada Dubbed official | Kannada full movie HD  | Telugu dubbed Kannada movies

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#killer #kannada #kannadamovies
movie directed by Chinna and featured Sai Karthik ,Ravi Prakash ,Dolly sha,Neha Deshpande , and racha Ravi as lead characters
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Victim of Love: The Shannon Mohr Story | FULL MOVIE | True Crime Story

Victim of Love: The Shannon Mohr Story | FULL MOVIE | True Crime Story
Victim of Love: The Shannon Mohr Story | FULL MOVIE | True Crime Story

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In this classic crime drama based on the chilling true story, a charming, cold-blooded killer randomly selects, courts and marries a naïve young woman. After her suspicious death, her parents begin an investigation.

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Download Movie Victim of Love: The Shannon Mohr Story | FULL MOVIE | True Crime Story