SabrπŸ™πŸ˜’ |how to increase trust #respect #quotes #islamicvideo #whatsappstatus #islamic #sabr

SabrπŸ™πŸ˜’ |how to  increase trust #respect #quotes #islamicvideo #whatsappstatus #islamic #sabr
SabrπŸ™πŸ˜’ |how to  increase trust #respect #quotes #islamicvideo #whatsappstatus #islamic #sabr

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Tawakkul means putting your trust in Allah while making efforts. It’s believing that, no matter what happens, Allah knows what’s best for you. You take action and do your part, but leave the results to Allah. Tawakkul helps you stay calm, knowing that everything is in Allah’s control. It’s not about being passive; it’s about doing your best and having faith in Allah’s plan. Even when things don’t go as expected, you trust that it’s part of Allah’s wisdom. Tawakkul brings peace because you’re not overwhelmed by worries about the outcome. It teaches patience and gratitude, no matter the result. Ultimately, it strengthens your relationship with Allah. By relying on Him, you find comfort in knowing you’re not alone.