उसे भूलने की आदत हैं | Heart Touching Quotes | Hindi Shayari | Shayari Status |

उसे भूलने की आदत हैं | Heart Touching Quotes | Hindi Shayari | Shayari Status |

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उसे भूलने की आदत हैं | Heart Touching Quotes | Hindi Shayari | Shayari Status |

Written By Vijay Gupta
Instagram- @mann_ki_baat_wala

Spoken By Devi Shri Verma
Instagram- @shriwith_mannkibaat

You can send your write-ups I will give voice to them…

Social Media Links ( I am most active here )
Instagram : @shriwith_maankibaat
Link –

Business Inquiries:-
Please contact at @[email protected]


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