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Tum Aaye To aaya muje yad |  Raj Gadhavi #romanticsong  #hindi #song #whatsappstatus #whatsappvideo

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Gali Mein Aaj Chand Nikla
गली में आज चांद निकला
Tum Aaye to aaya muje yad
तुम आए तो आया मुझे याद

Raj Gadhvi | राज गढ़वी | રાજ ગઢવી

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Navratri Garba Mashup 2024 | HS Visual Music x Papul | Best Of Dandiya Garba Songs Mashup 2024

Navratri Garba Mashup 2024 | HS Visual Music x Papul | Best Of Dandiya Garba Songs Mashup 2024

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Celebrate Navratri like never before with our “Navratri Garba Mashup 2024.”This dynamic mashup, Created by HS Visual Music and Papul, features the finest Dandiya Garba songs, perfect for your festive celebrations. Let the beats inspire you to dance and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of this vibrant festival. Be sure to subscribe for more amazing music!

Mashup By : HS Visual Music x Papul
Visual & Artwork : HS Visual

► HS Visual :

Please LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE if you like this mashup song.

Uploaded for promotional and preview purposes only! If you as a copyright holder wish to remove this, please contact me @[email protected] and I will remove it directly from my Channel.

If you require any music production & graphic design work, please contact me on Instagram hs_visual_official.

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DISCLAIMER: This Following Audio/Video is Strictly meant for Promotional Purpose.We Do not Wish to make any Commercial Use of this & Intended to Showcase the Creativity Of the Artist Involved.

The Original Copyright (S) is (are) Solely owned by the Companies/ Original-Artist(S) Record-label(S). All the Contents are intended to Showcase the creativity of the artist involved and is strictly done for promotional purpose.*

*Disclaimer: As per 3rd Section of Fair use guidelines Borrowing small bits of material from an original work is more likely to be considered fair use. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use.*

Download Video and Mp3 Song Navratri Garba Mashup 2024 | HS Visual Music x Papul | Best Of Dandiya Garba Songs Mashup 2024

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Thaanedar | Official Video | Lavnya | Gurjeet Singh Channi | New Latest Punjabi Songs 2024

Thaanedar | Official Video | Lavnya | Gurjeet Singh Channi | New Latest Punjabi Songs 2024

Download Song

Song- Thaanedar
Singer- Lavnya
Starring- Lavnya ft. Gurjeet Singh Channi
Lyrics- Ratt Sidhu
Music- Littleboi
Producer- Ramneek Rai Arora
Director- Avii Gill
Dop- Arshdeep Singh
Associate Director- Satnam Singh Gill
Line Production- Sandeep Singh Gill
Makeup, Hair- Simple, Samar
Edit- Robin Singh Batth
Publicity Design- Vs Digitals

Copyright ©️2024 By *Lavnya Music Company* . All Rights Reserved
Download Video and Mp3 Song Thaanedar | Official Video | Lavnya | Gurjeet Singh Channi | New Latest Punjabi Songs 2024

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“Hit that subscribe button for more amazing videos! ?? Follow @priyankapssingh72 for the latest content. Sending good vibes with Jaisriram blessings. ?✨ Stay blessed and chant Har Har Mahadev! ?️? #GratitudeAlways ?? Let’s make this journey epic together!”

Bollywood Hit Songs #bollywood #dance #marierosentertainment #garba #dandiya #navratri

Bollywood  Hit Songs #bollywood  #dance #marierosentertainment #garba #dandiya #navratri

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Bollywood Hit Songs #bollywood #dance #marierosentertainment #garba #dandiya #navratri
Video Presentation credit – Marie Salve
@Marie Rose Entertainment #marieroseentertainment

Uploaded for *Promotional and *Preview purposes only in *Appreciation of Music, Song, Singer*
All Rights to Music Label Co. & No Copyright infringement intended.
All rights are reserved to their respective labels / copyright holders.
No Copyright© Infringement Intended. All rights are reserved to their respective labels / copyright holders.

If any artist or label has copyright issues with my video presentation, please send an e-mail to: [email protected] and I will remove it immediately!

If you like this video playlist, please LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE.
If you have any request playlist, please –FOLLOW ME
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► YouTube :- /MarieRoseEntertainment
DISCLAIMER: This Following Audio/Video is Strictly meant for Promotional Purpose. We Do not Wish to make any Commercial Use of this & Intended to Showcase the Creativity Of the Artist Involved.
The original Copyright(s) is (are) Solely owned by the Companies/Original-Artist(s)/Record-label(s).All the contents are intended to Showcase the creativity of the artist involved and are strictly done for promotional purpose.
DISCLAIMER: As per 3rd Section of Fair use guidelines Borrowing small bits of material from an original work is more likely to be considered fair use. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use.
No Copyright© Infringement Intended, All rights are reserved to their respective labels / copyright holders.
*Promotional Purposes Only.

#bollywoodsongs #garba #dandiya #navratri
Navratri special songs
Navratri songs
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Hindi garba songs
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Gujarati navratri songs
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Savaria – Official Video | Neeti Mohan | Shakti | Mukti | Salman | Vikram Montrose | Shekhar Astitwa

Savaria – Official Video | Neeti Mohan | Shakti | Mukti | Salman | Vikram Montrose | Shekhar Astitwa

Download Song

Experience the Magic of Navratri as you get ready to groove to the beats of Savaria. The vibrant & energetic rhythm is sure to make you dance with joy and celebrate the spirit of this auspicious festival.

#Savaria #Navratri #Garba

Song Credits:

Composer – Vikram Montrose
Singer – Neeti Mohan
Lyrics – Shekhar Astitwa
Song Mixed And Mastered – Eric Pillai
Song Programmed and Sound Design by -Vikram Montrose
Additional Percussions by – Krishna Kishor | Vocals Vocals Recorded by – Kittu Myakal

Video Credits:

Starring – Neeti Mohan, Shakti Mohan, Mukti Mohan, Salman Yusuff Khan
Director – Shakti Mohan
Choreographer – Alisha Singh
DOP – Sourav Sharma
Editor – Sourav Sharma
Set design by – Karan Gupta
Poster design by – Naman Khera
Assistant Director – Meghal Gupta
Assitant Choreographer –
Serene Subarno, Meghal Gupta, Aashish Giri, Vishrut
BTS – Shubham Verma
Production – Nritya Shakti Production
Production Head – Amit Thosar
Assistant Production Supervisor- Kunal Ahuja
Line Production – Jash Dinesh Bhanushali
On set Art team – Shireen khan
Komal Kumari, kripa Jain
Grapher – Nagesh Matka

Special thanks to DCA Music
Special thanks to Sumeet Kr Tyagi

Dancers –
Khushii Parmar
Anchal Ubrani
Abolee Nagarkar
Rakshita Jain
Maithili Gadkari
Tanya Ravindran
Ria Khanna
Mahika Mirji
Shivangi Khurana
Shruti Devadiga

Panav Budhdeo
Monty Mandal
Rahul Sai Chandra
Anish khater
Bhanu Prakash
Vignesh Chavan
Sahil Joshi
Tanmay Ubale
Tanuj Barot
Chandresh Gohil

Artists styled by – Neeshu Jain
Dancers costume – Rupal Rahul Bhadreshwara

Make up and Hair team:
Neeti Mohan & Shakti Mohan – Ritika S Jalan
Rasila Ravariamua, Dwyessh Parsanani & Sakshi Mishra

Mukti Mohan:
Saba Sayed
Makeup for Salman – Saba Sayed
Hair for Salman – Dwyessh Parsanani


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Raaton mein mujhko jagaaye

Haathon mein choodiyan khanke
Paanv mein payal chhanke
Khwab dikhaaye sajan ke
Chhede mann ke ye taar
Kaano mein baaliyan chamke
Maathe ki bindiya damke
Sir se chunri sarke baar baar

Savaria aise tune pukara lutgaiyaan
Savaria aise tune pukara lutgaiyaan
Savaria aise tune pukara lutgaiyaan

Anjaan si dor kheeche mujhe
Raahein teri ore mudne lagi
Chaahat ne madhosh yun kar diya
Main to hawaaon mein udne lagi

Haathon mein choodiyan khanke
Paanv mein payal chhanke
Khwab dikhaaye sajan ke
Chhede mann ke ye taar
Kaano mein baaliyan chamke
Maathe ki bindiya damke
Sir se chunri sarke baar baar

Haaye Savaria

Savaria aise tune pukara lutgaiyaan
Savaria aise tune pukara lutgaiyaan

Savaria Savaria

#neetimohan #shaktimohan #newrelease #musicvideo #garbadance #navratrispecial #navratrisong

Download Video and Mp3 Song Savaria – Official Video | Neeti Mohan | Shakti | Mukti | Salman | Vikram Montrose | Shekhar Astitwa