Baahubali: The Beginning Movie Reaction – WHY DID HE DO IT!? – First Time Watching

Baahubali: The Beginning Movie Reaction – WHY DID HE DO IT!? – First Time Watching

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Welcome to our Baahubali: The Beginning Movie Reaction! After watching RRR with you guys the next logical step was watching this masterpiece! Thank you for suggesting it to us. We hope you enjoy our reaction as much as we enjoyed watching this.

Directed by SS Rajamouli who’s work we were first introduced to during the fantastic RRR film. This time we came to watch Baahubali: The Beginning a movie lots of you were suggesting in the comments of our RRR reaction.

We hope you enjoy our reactions thoughts and discussion. This film was filled with some incredible visual effects, powerful performances, and a very interesting way to structure a movie. We’ve seen flashbacks done before but the way they utilized it here allowed for an original way of telling the story.

#reaction #firsttimewatching #Baahubali

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