Land of Death | Adventure | Horror | Full movie in English

Land of Death | Adventure | Horror | Full movie in English
Land of Death | Adventure | Horror | Full movie in English

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Land of Death | Adventure | Horror | Full movie in English

Director: Bruno Mattei
Writers: Bruno Mattei, Giovanni Paolucci
Stars: Claudio Morales, Lou Randall, Cindy Jelic Matic

Commandos head deep into the Amazon jungle to rescue a general’s daughter who has been kidnapped by a cannibal tribe.


Comedy, Action, Spaghetti Western, Drama, Romance: on Movie360 you will find films of all genres!

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Download Movie Land of Death | Adventure | Horror | Full movie in English

1949 Thriller – State Department: File 649 – The first story of America’s Silent Service.

1949 Thriller – State Department: File 649 – The first story of America’s Silent Service.
1949 Thriller – State Department: File 649 – The first story of America’s Silent Service.

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Foreign Service officers Kenneth Seeley (William Lundigan) and Margaret “Marge” Waldon (Virginia Bruce) are assigned to “diplomatic mission” in northern China, an area dominated by an outlaw warlord. Marshal Yun Usu (Richard Loo) captures the village where they reside, and they must devise a plan to escape.

Director: Sam Newfield
Writer: Milton Raison

Main cast:
William Lundigan – Kenneth R. Seeley
Virginia Bruce – Marge Waldon
Jonathan Hale – Director-General
Frank Ferguson – Consul Reither
Richard Loo – Marshal Yun Usu

Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Romance, Thriller, War
Release date: February 1949
Filming location: Nassour Studios, Hollywood, California


Download Movie 1949 Thriller – State Department: File 649 – The first story of America’s Silent Service.

Kickboxer 4: The Aggressor (1994) Directed by Albert Pyun | Action that hits harder.

Kickboxer 4: The Aggressor (1994) Directed by Albert Pyun | Action that hits harder.
Kickboxer 4: The Aggressor (1994) Directed by Albert Pyun | Action that hits harder.

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David Sloan, a wronged martial artist, dives fists-first into a high-stakes tournament to rescue his wife from Tong Po—a former Muay Thai champion turned ruthless crime lord—and settle an old score. With punches flying and secrets unraveling, it’s a kickboxing showdown where losing isn’t an option!

Original title: Kickboxer 4: The Aggressor

Director: Albert Pyun
Writers: Albert Pyun, David Yorkin

Main cast:
Sasha Mitchell – David Sloan
Kamel Krifa – Tong Po
Deborah Mansy – Vicky Sloan
Brad Thornton – Lando Smith
Michele Krasnoo – Megan Laurence

Genres: Action, Martial Arts, Thriller
Release date: March 3, 1994
Filming location: New Mexico, USA

🏆 Does this film make the cut? Does it deserve a place in ⭐ B-Movie Hall of Fame ??


Download Movie Kickboxer 4: The Aggressor (1994) Directed by Albert Pyun | Action that hits harder.

The Night of Saint Germain des Pres (1977 French film) Crime, Mystery with Daniel Auteuil

The Night of Saint Germain des Pres (1977 French film) Crime, Mystery with Daniel Auteuil
The Night of Saint Germain des Pres (1977 French film) Crime, Mystery with Daniel Auteuil

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In 1951 a private detective, Nestor Burma, delves into the bohemian heart of Paris to solve a jewelry theft and the murder of an American trumpeter, navigating a web of intrigue and eccentric characters. Amid existential musings and nocturnal escapades, he unravels secrets hidden in the vibrant district of Saint-Germain-des-Prés.

Director: Bob Swaim
Writers: Pierre Fabre, Léo Malet, Alain Petit
Stars: Michel Galabru, Mort Shuman, Daniel Auteuil
Genres: French Cinema, Neo-Noir, Crime, Mystery
Release date: June 1, 1977 (France)


Download Movie The Night of Saint Germain des Pres (1977 French film) Crime, Mystery with Daniel Auteuil

Film-Noir | He Walked By Night (1948) Hunting Truth Through the Shadows | Colorized

Film-Noir | He Walked By Night (1948) Hunting Truth Through the Shadows | Colorized
Film-Noir | He Walked By Night (1948) Hunting Truth Through the Shadows | Colorized

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From the Homicide Files of the Los Angeles Police.
In the City of Angels, where every shadow hides a secret, a resourceful criminal fatally shoots a police officer, turning the streets into his playground and leaving the LAPD desperate to end his reign of terror. As the detectives race against time, piecing together fragments of evidence, they strive to stop the criminal before any more lives are taken.

Original title: He Walked by Night (1948) AKA: The L.A. Investigator, Twenty-Nine Clues
This film is has English, Italian & Spanish audio, and also available with subtitles in many languages.

Black & White version:

Directors: Alfred L. Werker, Anthony Mann
Writers: John C. Higgins, Crane Wilbur, Harry Essex, Crane Wilbur
Genre: Colorized, Crime, Film-Noir, Thriller

Main Actors:
Richard Basehart – Roy Martin
Scott Brady – Police Sgt. Marty Brennan
Roy Roberts – Police Capt. Breen
Whit Bissell – Paul Reeves
James Cardwell – Police Sgt. Chuck Jones
Jack Webb – Lee Whitey


Download Movie Film-Noir | He Walked By Night (1948) Hunting Truth Through the Shadows | Colorized

He Walked By Night (1948) Crime, Film-Noir | directed by Alfred L. Werker, Anthony Mann

He Walked By Night (1948) Crime, Film-Noir | directed by Alfred L. Werker, Anthony Mann
He Walked By Night (1948) Crime, Film-Noir | directed by Alfred L. Werker, Anthony Mann

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A lone gunman, a city on edge, and a relentless pursuit for truth.
When a ruthless criminal unleashes chaos by killing a police officer, the investigation ignites a thrilling chase through the urban labyrinth. The detectives must sift through lies and shadows to unearth the truth and restore peace to their city.

Colorized version:

Original title: He Walked by Night (1948)
Alternative titles: The L.A. Investigator, Twenty-Nine Clues, Il marchait la nuit, Egli camminava nella notte, Schritte in der Nacht, Он бродил по ночам, Orden: caza sin cuartel, 밤에 걷는 남자, O Demônio da Noite, Ο Δολοφόνος της Νύχτας, Ordre: Caça sense treva, 黑狱杀人王, Nattmänniskan

This film is has English, Italian & Spanish audio, and also available with subtitles in many languages.

Directors: Alfred L. Werker, Anthony Mann
Writers: John C. Higgins, Crane Wilbur, Harry Essex, Crane Wilbur
Actors: Richard Basehart, Scott Brady, Roy Roberts, Whit Bissell, James Cardwell, Jack Webb
Genre: Crime, Film noir, Thriller


Download Movie He Walked By Night (1948) Crime, Film-Noir | directed by Alfred L. Werker, Anthony Mann



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🌟 Bethany é uma jovem agente do governo que decide deixar a perigosa vida de espiã para trás, retornando à sua pacata cidade natal na zona rural da Virgínia. Mas a tranquilidade não dura muito: assassinatos começam a acontecer, e seus antigos chefes a convencem a investigar os crimes de forma não oficial.

🌟 Sem acesso aos recursos da agência, Bethany recorre a velhos amigos de sua infância. Porém, as pistas a levam até seu ex-namorado Jamie e a morte misteriosa da irmã dele anos atrás. Quanto mais ela se aproxima da verdade, mais percebe que os segredos do passado podem estar diretamente ligados aos perigos do presente. 🌫️🔍

🌟 Com uma trama cheia de suspense, segredos do passado e relações inesperadas, esta história mistura ação, drama e mistério na medida certa. 🕵️‍♀️✨ A cinematografia é envolvente, capturando a atmosfera rural e os momentos de tensão com maestria.

🌟 O público elogia a narrativa intrigante e as performances marcantes, tornando este filme uma experiência imperdível para os amantes de mistérios. Prepare-se para se surpreender a cada reviravolta!

🎥 Mejores Peliculas 🔥DUB ES EN DE ✨
Director: Brett Monk
Elenco: Mikayla Leybovich, Stacey Bradshaw, Trevor Stevie Ray Ontiveros
Gêneros: Drama, Romance, Crime, Mistério

#romance #drama #filme #crime #português #filmecompleto #mistério


Download Movie EX-ESPIÃ CONTRA OS MISTÉRIOS DO PASSADO: UMA AMEAÇA INVISÍVEL! | Filme Português Completo | Melhores

A Few Dollars for Django (1966) Spaghetti Western movie by Enzo G. Castellari | With Anthony Steffen

A Few Dollars for Django (1966) Spaghetti Western movie by Enzo G. Castellari | With Anthony Steffen
A Few Dollars for Django (1966) Spaghetti Western movie by Enzo G. Castellari | With Anthony Steffen

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Sent to Montana to hunt down bank robbers, a bounty hunter takes the star off a replacement sheriff who didn’t reach his destination and steps into a range war between farmers and cattlemen.

Original title: Pochi dollari per Django (1966)

Directors: León Klimovsky, Enzo G. Castellari
Writers: Manuel Sebares, Tito Carpi
Stars: Anthony Steffen, Gloria Osuna, Ennio Girolami
Genres: Spaghetti Western, Crime, Drama, Western movie

Download Movie A Few Dollars for Django (1966) Spaghetti Western movie by Enzo G. Castellari | With Anthony Steffen

White Apache (1987) Spaghetti Western Movie | Based on a true story | Directed Bruno Mattei

White Apache (1987) Spaghetti Western Movie | Based on a true story | Directed Bruno Mattei
White Apache (1987) Spaghetti Western Movie | Based on a true story | Directed Bruno Mattei

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When a group of outlaws attack and destroy a wagon train, the only survivor gives birth to a baby, whom the Indian chief, White Bear brings up as his son and calls him Shining Sky. Shining Sky grows up with the chief’s son Black Wolf and by a stroke of fate kills his best friend and brother.

Original title: Bianco Apache (1987)
Alternative titles: Apache Kid, Der weiße Apache – Die Rache des Halbbluts, Beyaz Apaçi, Fehér apacs, Biały Apacz, 最后战士

Watch the members only uncensored version:

Directors: Claudio Fragasso, Bruno Mattei
Writers: José María Cunillés, Francesco Prosperi
Stars: Sebastian Harrison, Lola Forner, Alberto Farnese
Genres: Drama, Horror, Western

This film has English & French & Spanish audio options.


Download Movie White Apache (1987) Spaghetti Western Movie | Based on a true story | Directed Bruno Mattei

Shotgun (1955, Western Movie) with Yvonne De Carlo, Sterling Hayden | Directed Lesley Selander

Shotgun (1955, Western Movie) with Yvonne De Carlo, Sterling Hayden | Directed Lesley Selander
Shotgun (1955, Western Movie) with Yvonne De Carlo, Sterling Hayden | Directed Lesley Selander

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They were Three of a Kind…ALL BAD!
Marshal Clay Hardin (Sterling Hayden) vows to avenge his fellow marshal’s murder. He forms a team with bounty hunter Reb Carleton (Zachary Scott) and Abby (Yvonne De Carlo). Tracking the killer leads them into Apache territory, where they uncover a plot to arm the Indians. Hardin and his companions must now face a deadly threat from both the outlaws and the Native Americans.

Original title: Shotgun (1955)
Alternative titles: Son Dernier Combat, Ritt in die Hölle, Amour, fleur sauvage, Canne infuocate, La pradera sangrienta, Escreveu Seu Nome a Bala, O Vingador, 死闘の丘, Για να σκοτώσεις, χρειάζεται θάρρος,

Director: Lesley Selander
Writers: Clarke Reynolds, Rory Calhoun, John C. Champion
Budget: $260,000 (estimated)

Main Cast:
Sterling Hayden as Marshal Clay Hardin
Yvonne De Carlo as Abby
Zachary Scott as Reb Carleton
Robert J. Wilke as Bentley

Download Movie Shotgun (1955, Western Movie) with Yvonne De Carlo, Sterling Hayden | Directed Lesley Selander

O Olho da Justiça | Filme Completo | Wesley Snipes | Crime

O Olho da Justiça | Filme Completo | Wesley Snipes | Crime
O Olho da Justiça | Filme Completo | Wesley Snipes | Crime

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Uma mulher, copresidente de uma empresa de fabricação de armas, é tomada como refém por um atirador que busca vingança pela morte de sua filha, que foi assassinada por uma arma fabricada pela empresa.

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Gênero : Filme Completo, Cinema, Suspense, Crime, Suspense, Drama, Ação, Vingança
© 2024 – Todos os direitos reservados

Download Movie O Olho da Justiça | Filme Completo | Wesley Snipes | Crime

One by One | Western | Full Movie in english

One by One | Western | Full Movie in english
One by One | Western | Full Movie in english

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One by One | Western | Full Movie in english

Director: Rafael Romero Marchent
Writers: Eduardo Manzanos, Odoardo Fiory
Stars: Peter Lee Lawrence, Guglielmo Spoletini, Dyanik Zurakowska
Spain, Italy 1968

At the Texas/Mexico frontier, during the Civil War, Colonel Greyson was accused of embezzling $ 500,000 that he was to deliver to the Confederate command. In fact, he was betrayed by four officers who accompanied him, and robed the money. When a young man reveals to be Bill Greyson, the son of the colonel, he is about to be lynched by the infuriated, and wrongly informed citizens. El Charro, the leader of a Mexican gang, tells the real story to Bill, and helps him in his revenge plan: to identify and eliminate the four men, who are now respected – and wealthy – citizens. El Charro expects the naive young man to be happy to rehabilitate his family name, and he will outsmart him and take the money. A public statement rehabilitates Bill, alright, and the money comes into the pockets of El Charro. Does crime pay?


Comedy, Action, Spaghetti Western, Drama, Romance: on Movie360 you will find films of all genres!

Many languages available for one great passion: cinema!

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One by One | Western | Full Movie in english

Download Movie One by One | Western | Full Movie in english