Dog is Man’s First Friend: The Untold Story of Dogs

Dog is Man’s First Friend: The Untold Story of Dogs
Dog is Man’s First Friend: The Untold Story of Dogs

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This documentary explores the extraordinary journey of dogs from their origins as wild wolves to becoming humanity’s oldest and most loyal companions. Over 20,000 years, dogs have played crucial roles in human survival and society—aiding in hunting, guarding livestock, protecting from danger, navigating harsh environments, and saving lives.
Today, they continue to enrich our lives, offering comfort, companionship, and emotional support. The film delves into how dogs evolved alongside humans, the development of their unique abilities, and the profound impact they have on our lives.
Highlighting remarkable stories from around the globe, it showcases the heroism and extraordinary talents of dogs, celebrating their place as not just pets, but as irreplaceable allies and friends.
Through a blend of scientific insights and heartwarming tales, viewers will discover the incredible journey of dogs becoming man’s first friend.

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Hitler in Colour (4K WW2 Documentary)

Hitler in Colour (4K WW2 Documentary)
Hitler in Colour (4K WW2 Documentary)

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Documentary using only original colour footage charts the 12 years from Adolf Hitler’s rise to power to the fall of Berlin in 1945. Complemented by eyewitness material, tracks the dramatic transformation of Germany into a Nazi state, looks into Hitler’s relationship with his lover Eva Braun and replicates pivotal events, including Nazi rallies, the invasion of Poland, Hitler’s meeting with Lloyd George, the horrors of Buchenwald concentration camp, Warsaw’s Jewish Ghetto, the Battle of Britain and the fall of Berlin.

Director: David Batty
Stars: Brian Cox, Adolf Hitler, Lutz Liebelt

00:00 Full Documentary
01:54 Rise of Adolf Hitler and the impact of his leadership on Germany during the early years of his reign.
09:50 Hitler’s personal life and political ambitions revealed through intimate moments and secret relationships.
16:20 Hitler’s rise to power, annexation of Austria, and aggression towards Czechoslovakia leading to WWII.
24:46 Adolf Hitler’s ruthless expansion into Poland, sparking the beginning of World War II.
32:23 Hitler’s relentless attacks on Poland, France, and Britain in World War II, culminating in the Battle for Britain.
40:25 Hitler’s brutal regime and war strategies during World War II, including the invasion of the Soviet Union.
48:17 The relentless advance of Hitler’s army meets fierce resistance, culminating in the devastating Battle of Stalingrad.
55:23 Hitler’s deteriorating health and mindset during World War II, leading to desperate measures and ultimate defeat.
1:03:27 The devastating impact of Hitler’s reign and World War II on Europe, culminating in Hitler’s suicide and the end of the war.

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L’odyssée de l’espèce – Homo sapiens

L’odyssée de l’espèce – Homo sapiens
L’odyssée de l’espèce – Homo sapiens

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0:00 Il y a 12000 ans, l’homme prend un tournant décisif en quittant sa vie de nomade pour s’installer dans les premiers villages, inventant ainsi l’agriculture, l’élevage et l’irrigation.
9:25 Les nomades sont attirés par la sécurité et le confort de la vie sédentaire, mais perdent ainsi leur soif de liberté et leur goût pour la découverte de la nature.
22:49 La sédentarité et l’agriculture ont profondément changé le comportement humain il y a 7500 ans avant Jésus-Christ, avec la domestication des animaux et la compétition entre les hommes.
32:28 L’agriculture et l’élevage ont permis aux hommes de prendre le contrôle de la nature et de se développer rapidement.
42:41 Un homme devient le chef du village en prenant des décisions pour lutter contre une maladie qui se propage rapidement.
53:33 Le pouvoir et la vanité ont transformé la vie de la communauté, créant une hiérarchie et une lutte pour le pouvoir.
1:06:27 L’importance de l’écriture dans les premières civilisations et son rôle dans la distribution des richesses et le pouvoir des rois.
1:16:58 L’écriture est un outil puissant qui permet de transmettre le savoir et de lutter contre l’injustice, mais elle peut aussi être manipulée et mentir.
1:30:13 L’écriture devient un puissant moyen de communication et les hommes cherchent à connaître leurs origines.

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Billionaires and Crazy Parties in the Swiss Alps

Billionaires and Crazy Parties in the Swiss Alps
Billionaires and Crazy Parties in the Swiss Alps

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Ischgl, Austria is renowned for being one of the most luxurious and exclusive ski resorts in the world. Celebrities and millionaires come here to ski the snowy slopes and enjoy the vibrant nightlife. In Gstaad, another atmosphere, this station is the refuge of the stars.

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Climate Change: What Will Our Lives Look Like in 2050?

Climate Change: What Will Our Lives Look Like in 2050?
Climate Change: What Will Our Lives Look Like in 2050?

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Climate disasters, health crisis or even food shortages, the future looks bleak for the planet. Find out what our future could look like if the world population does not change its behavior and consumption patterns.

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Inside the Empire of Terror | Full Documentary

Inside the Empire of Terror | Full Documentary
Inside the Empire of Terror | Full Documentary

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Between January 7 and 9, 2015, France experienced horror. Behind the shock, questions. Does France have the financial means to fight, whether to protect us with Vigipirate, or to monitor and track on our territory? And it has considerable financial means. How is this organization funded? How did it manage to multiply its sources of profit? How does his marketing allow him to constantly recruit new fighters in the West?

Director: Eric Declemy & Emmanuel Creutzer

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