Los Traficantes (2012) | Full Movie | Spanish | English Subtitles

Los Traficantes (2012) | Full Movie | Spanish | English Subtitles

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Basada es una historia veridica. En Tijuana, Mexico el ex jefe del cartel, Esteban Mendoza encontró redención mientras ayudaba a otros a superar sus adicciones.

Los Traficantes retells the incredible true story of Esteban Mendoza Cruz, former Mexican drug lord, who in 1999 experienced a major transformation after finding redemption through faith in Christ while serving a 33-year sentence in La Mesa prison in Tijuana. The prison, one of Mexico’s most corrupt, was called “El Pueblito” by locals that frequently entered to buy drugs, hire prostitutes, or carry out other illegal activities.

This rapidly multiplying gospel movement was fueled by the simple power of the mustard seed. God’s word is so powerful it begins to grow inside of us when we hear it and obey it and we can’t hold it in! If you would like to study the bible with others in a simple and reproducible way, get simple resources here

Los Traficantes had a limited theatrical release before debuting on the premiere Spanish language movie channel Cine Latino, in November 2015. Many viewers have expressed their deep appreciation for how this true story has impacted their lives.

“Los Traficantes is the bravest and most important Christian film I have seen in the last decade. It is raw, truthful, and filled with hope.”
Bart Gavigan, Screenwriter, Luther and End of the Spear

“I hope the Hispanic Christian churches get behind this explosive ‘love-grenade’ of a movie; EVERYONE who watches Los Traficantes WILL be hit by peals of agape shrapnel; as we witnessed last night.”
Pastor Pancho Juarez, The Ark Montebello

“For the past ten years, I’ve been teaching weekly Bible classes at the Doña Ana County Detention Center in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Whenever I show Los Traficantes to a new group of inmates, I ask at the end for their honest opinions. They unanimously say it’s great – an honest, realistic depiction about what the drug trafficking business is like. Even better, they all say that it will convince others, as it has helped convince them, that God through Jesus Christ will change their lives if they only they let Him come in. Thumbs up all around from these very tough critics, and best wishes for your continued success.”
Bruce Pearson, Good News Prison Ministry

This award winning foreign language film has brought hope to hundreds of thousands of viewers through its powerful message of redemption. If you would like to participate in the transformative work of God as depicted in this film, you can join us by visiting or

Download Movie Los Traficantes (2012) | Full Movie | Spanish | English Subtitles