Black Ops Special Forces: Taking Down Bin laden

Black Ops Special Forces: Taking Down Bin laden
Black Ops Special Forces: Taking Down Bin laden

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This is the story of the most daring black ops raid in recent history. The inside account of operation Neptune Spear: how US Navy Seals brought to an end the hunt for the most wanted man in the world, and took down the mastermind of 9/11: Osama Bin Laden

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Mohammad bin Salman: Prince With Two Faces

Mohammad bin Salman: Prince With Two Faces
Mohammad bin Salman: Prince With Two Faces

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Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed ben Salman (known as MBS) is – at only 34 years old – at the head of a State in Western Asia which has immense oil reserves and weighs on the world economy. This country is also home to the main holy places of Islam and remains the world’s largest arms buyer. Accused of the barbaric assassination of a journalist, the kidnapping of a foreign Prime Minister, engaged in a bloody war in Yemen, determined to counter Iran at all costs, MBS is also a key partner in the fight against terrorism, carries out spectacular reforms that change the face of his kingdom.

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The End of Jim Morrison

The End of Jim Morrison
The End of Jim Morrison

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1971. When Jim Morrison was at the height of his career, The Doors seemed unstoppable. Six years of intensive career, 6 albums, 200 concerts.
Jim Morrison had become a music legend…until a tragic end. Full documentary on the life of this rock icon, from the beginning… until the end.

Director: Michaelle Gagnet

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Hitler in Colour (4K WW2 Documentary)

Hitler in Colour (4K WW2 Documentary)
Hitler in Colour (4K WW2 Documentary)

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Documentary using only original colour footage charts the 12 years from Adolf Hitler’s rise to power to the fall of Berlin in 1945. Complemented by eyewitness material, tracks the dramatic transformation of Germany into a Nazi state, looks into Hitler’s relationship with his lover Eva Braun and replicates pivotal events, including Nazi rallies, the invasion of Poland, Hitler’s meeting with Lloyd George, the horrors of Buchenwald concentration camp, Warsaw’s Jewish Ghetto, the Battle of Britain and the fall of Berlin.

Director: David Batty
Stars: Brian Cox, Adolf Hitler, Lutz Liebelt

00:00 Full Documentary
01:54 Rise of Adolf Hitler and the impact of his leadership on Germany during the early years of his reign.
09:50 Hitler’s personal life and political ambitions revealed through intimate moments and secret relationships.
16:20 Hitler’s rise to power, annexation of Austria, and aggression towards Czechoslovakia leading to WWII.
24:46 Adolf Hitler’s ruthless expansion into Poland, sparking the beginning of World War II.
32:23 Hitler’s relentless attacks on Poland, France, and Britain in World War II, culminating in the Battle for Britain.
40:25 Hitler’s brutal regime and war strategies during World War II, including the invasion of the Soviet Union.
48:17 The relentless advance of Hitler’s army meets fierce resistance, culminating in the devastating Battle of Stalingrad.
55:23 Hitler’s deteriorating health and mindset during World War II, leading to desperate measures and ultimate defeat.
1:03:27 The devastating impact of Hitler’s reign and World War II on Europe, culminating in Hitler’s suicide and the end of the war.

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Lucky Teter and His Hell Drivers | Hollywood Documentary Movie | Hollywood English Movie

Lucky Teter and His Hell Drivers | Hollywood Documentary Movie | Hollywood English Movie
Lucky Teter and His Hell Drivers | Hollywood Documentary Movie | Hollywood English Movie

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Lucky Teter and His Hell Drivers | Hollywood Documentary Movie | Hollywood English Movie
Lucky Teter and His Hell Drivers | Hollywood Documentary Movie | Hollywood English Movie
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Presenting Hollywood Movie In English (English Movies, Hollywood Movies, Historial Drama Movies In English, Crime Movies In English, English Movies) Exclusively on our channel. Sit back & enjoy!!!

In 1933 a young Indiana native set out to make his mark in the fledgling sport of the Automobile Thrill Show. From his early beginnings in Worster Ohio with single car rollovers to commanding performances with his “Rocker Car Leap” in front of tens of thousands of fans Lucky Teter would form the greatest touring group of daredevils and stuntman the world had seen. Rare archive footage included.

Cast: Dave Dugan

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Scary and Deadly Incidents in Space | Hollywood Documentary Movie | Hollywood English Movie

Scary and Deadly Incidents in Space | Hollywood Documentary Movie | Hollywood English Movie
Scary and Deadly Incidents in Space | Hollywood Documentary Movie | Hollywood English Movie

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Scary and Deadly Incidents in Space | Hollywood Documentary Movie | Hollywood English Movie
Scary and Deadly Incidents in Space | Hollywood Documentary Movie | Hollywood English Movie
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Presenting Hollywood Movie In English (English Movies, Hollywood Movies, Historial Drama Movies In English, Crime Movies In English, English Movies) Exclusively on our channel. Sit back & enjoy!!!

In charting the mysterious expanse of space, both men and women pioneers risked their lives to further mankind’s reach and influence. Some of these pioneer heroes never came back, while others experienced explosions, catastrophe, and injury. This film explosives the inherently dangerous occupation of astronauts and cosmonauts, who in the face of an unforgiving hostile environment, and relentless life threatening pressures, endured almost certain death in the pursuit to conquer the unknown.


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ATLANTIS: Secret Star Mappers of A Lost World |Hollywood Documentary Movie |Hollywood English Movie

ATLANTIS:  Secret Star Mappers of A Lost World |Hollywood Documentary Movie |Hollywood English Movie
ATLANTIS:  Secret Star Mappers of A Lost World |Hollywood Documentary Movie |Hollywood English Movie

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ATLANTIS: Secret Star Mappers of A Lost World |Hollywood Documentary Movie |Hollywood English Movie
ATLANTIS Secret Star Mappers of A Lost World |Hollywood Documentary Movie |Hollywood English Movie
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Presenting Hollywood Movie In English (English Movies, Hollywood Movies, Historial Drama Movies In English, Crime Movies In English, English Movies) Exclusively on our channel. Sit back & enjoy!!!

Go beyond the lost human history! A profile and examination of the recent findings of a highly advanced human settlement submerged at the end of the Ice Age when the sea level rose. The story of Atlantis has its roots in actual historical events!

Cast: Maxine Asher, David Childress, Graham Hancock

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On Tour with Elvis | Hollywood Documentary Movie | Hollywood English History Movie | Biography Movie

On Tour with Elvis | Hollywood Documentary Movie | Hollywood English History Movie | Biography Movie
On Tour with Elvis | Hollywood Documentary Movie | Hollywood English History Movie | Biography Movie

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On Tour with Elvis | Hollywood Documentary Movie | Hollywood English History Movie | Biography Movie
On Tour with Elvis | Hollywood Documentary Movie | Hollywood English History Movie | Biography Movie
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Presenting Hollywood Movie In English (English Movies, Hollywood Movies, Historial Drama Movies In English, Crime Movies In English, English Movies) Exclusively on our channel. Sit back & enjoy!!!

This documentary mixes never before seen footage of Elvis on tour between 1973/74 at concerts in Las Vegas, Kansas, Bloomington and Philadelphia along with interviews with Elvis fans who attended concerts on that Tour. Considered some of his best performances.

Cast: Elvis Presley

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