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Suriname is one of South America’s best-kept secrets, offering a unique blend of cultures, stunning landscapes, and an incredibly low cost of living. If you’re looking for a travel documentary that explores a country unlike any other, life in Suriname will surprise you. This small nation boasts vibrant markets, diverse cuisine, and friendly locals, making it an ideal destination for expats. Many consider it the best place to go in Suriname for an authentic experience. Another highlight? The country is home to some of the most beautiful women in Suriname, known for their charm and elegance. Whether you’re fascinated by the history, nature, or simply enjoying the laid-back lifestyle, a travel documentary on Suriname showcases its appeal. From the affordable living in Suriname cost to the stunning scenery, it’s a must-visit for any traveler seeking adventure. Watch a travel documentary and see why!
00:00 Travel Documentary
03:05 Life In Suriname For Expats
07:12 Facts About Suriname
11:10 Most Beautiful Suriname Women
15:50 Interesting Facts About Suriname
18:15 Best Place To Go In Suriname
23:25 Things To Do In Suriname
26:45 Living In Suriname Cost
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Hellboy 2 – 2024 Hollywood Hindi Dubbed Movie

Hellboy 2 –  2024 Hollywood Hindi Dubbed Movie
Hellboy 2 –  2024 Hollywood Hindi Dubbed Movie

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“Welcome to apent, your ultimate destination for movie reviews, entertainment insights, and cinematic discussions! Hosted by AP, this channel brings you honest critiques, in-depth analyses, and engaging breakdowns of the latest blockbusters, underrated gems, and timeless classics. Whether you’re a Bollywood buff, a Hollywood enthusiast, or just love the magic of movies, apent is here to guide you through the world of cinema. Subscribe now and join the conversation!”

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Les derniers jours d’une icône : Gianni Versace

Les derniers jours d’une icône : Gianni Versace
Les derniers jours d’une icône : Gianni Versace

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15 juillet 1997, c’est la mort d’une des plus importantes icônes de la mode italienne. Un des hommes à l’origine du fameux « carré de la mode » de Milan. Un de ceux grâce à qui cette ville peut prétendre aujourd’hui rivaliser avec Paris.
Le couturier italien Gianni Versace est assassiné de deux balles dans la tête devant sa maison de Miami Beach en Floride. Il est victime d’un mystérieux assassin, Andrew Cunanan.
Gianni Versace était à la tête d’un empire du luxe de plus de 560 millions de dollars.
Ce jour-là, tout le milieu de la mode internationale et toute l’Italie pleure la mort du créateur.
Versace a laissé derrière lui un héritage faramineux qui suscite bien des conflits dans son entourage.

Réalisateur : Ted Anspach

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Central Africa, at Your Own Risk | Deadliest Journeys

Central Africa, at Your Own Risk | Deadliest Journeys
Central Africa, at Your Own Risk | Deadliest Journeys

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In the Central African Republic, the civil war has ended up destabilizing a country with an already fragile balance. The wealth of the underground does not trickle down into the demanding daily lives of the inhabitants. Cities are almost cut off from the world, like that of Ngoto.
The road leading there is impassable, ambulances no longer pass, so medical evacuations are done by motorbike. An ordeal for the sick. A race against time or rather a race against death. During the last civil war, many taxis and buses were destroyed or stolen.
Vehicles are lacking, so some bush taxis use livestock trucks. The journey is hellish for the passengers, but everyone maintains their good humor even when it comes to spending a night under the stars.
Director: Guillaume LHOTELLIER

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Black Ops Special Forces: Taking Down Bin laden

Black Ops Special Forces: Taking Down Bin laden
Black Ops Special Forces: Taking Down Bin laden

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This is the story of the most daring black ops raid in recent history. The inside account of operation Neptune Spear: how US Navy Seals brought to an end the hunt for the most wanted man in the world, and took down the mastermind of 9/11: Osama Bin Laden

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Madagascar, the Corridors of Satan | Deadliest Journeys

Madagascar, the Corridors of Satan | Deadliest Journeys
Madagascar, the Corridors of Satan | Deadliest Journeys

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On the island of Madagascar, the tracks are in poor condition, ravaged by the numerous tropical cyclones which ravage the region and the lack of maintenance. During the rainy season, which lasts almost six months, the roads deteriorate further. Here, only tractors are capable of tackling these tracks. At the wheel of his metal giant, Thierry’s mission is to transport four tons of food to a village cut off from the world. A six-hour drive from the capital, on the Hauts Plateaux, the village of Antanetibe organizes the great Malagasy ritual: “the turning of the dead”. In the capital, salvagers bring new life to everything that is broken. One of them, Marcelin, finds parts destined for the dumpster to transform them into everyday objects that he resells on the markets.
Directors: David Jacques GEOFFRION; Daniel LAINE

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Guinea Conakry: Life on the Edge | Deadliest Journeys

Guinea Conakry: Life on the Edge | Deadliest Journeys
Guinea Conakry: Life on the Edge | Deadliest Journeys

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In Guinea Conakry, at the wheel of their truck, Mamady and her sons face torrential downpours which make the track nightmarish. The abundant rains and the 1,300 streams and rivers that run through the country gave it its nickname: the water tower. However, running water is rare in the country and, to have access to it, it is sometimes necessary to install giant cisterns. Transporting these tanks by bush taxi over the rutted tracks is no easy task. After the palm oil harvest, which provides a minimum of income for residents, only motorcycles can transport the precious liquid. Loaded with dozens of cans, they set off on chaotic tracks on which anything can happen.

Directors: Philippe LAFAIX, Frédéric ELHORGA

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Mohammad bin Salman: Prince With Two Faces

Mohammad bin Salman: Prince With Two Faces
Mohammad bin Salman: Prince With Two Faces

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Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed ben Salman (known as MBS) is – at only 34 years old – at the head of a State in Western Asia which has immense oil reserves and weighs on the world economy. This country is also home to the main holy places of Islam and remains the world’s largest arms buyer. Accused of the barbaric assassination of a journalist, the kidnapping of a foreign Prime Minister, engaged in a bloody war in Yemen, determined to counter Iran at all costs, MBS is also a key partner in the fight against terrorism, carries out spectacular reforms that change the face of his kingdom.

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Somalia, The Modern Pirates

Somalia, The Modern Pirates
Somalia, The Modern Pirates

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For several months, from the Seychelles Islands to the Somali coast, Olivier Joulie went to meet fishing bosses, soldiers and even pirates… His very detailed investigation betrays the disarray that reigns in a region where fish catches are multiplying hostages.

Covering two million square kilometers, from the Indian Ocean to the Gulf of Aden, the area has become one of all dangers. In 2009, more than two hundred ships were victims of acts of piracy there. Giant oil tankers, cruise ships or fishing boats, no building is safe. In Port Victoria, the crews of Spanish tuna boats do not hide their concern. Barring a miracle, they will have to rely only on themselves to repel the pirate attacks. This is no longer the case for their French colleagues. The owners of the nine fishing boats engaged in the region ended up putting their hands in their pockets. For an amount estimated at 2.5 million euros, they now ensure the presence on board of around sixty marines.

Men ready for anything
In order to secure the region, Europe set up Operation Atalanta in 2008. A device engaging frigates and patrol aircraft. Protection considered, by many, insufficient. Especially since, entering Somalia, and particularly in Puntland, Olivier Joulie realizes that the lure of profit is pushing more and more Somalis towards delinquency. They sometimes obtain millions of euros to free the ships they have taken control of. The causes of the explosion of this maritime crime are crystal clear for Sayid Aden Cade, the mayor of the village of Hobyo: “Intensive fishing by large foreign boats destroys wildlife. They draw on our natural resources and the fish are gradually disappearing . Our fishermen, with their simple nets, do not have the means to fight and they are becoming more and more poor…” No reason in sight for the pirates to soon put away their skiffs and their Kalashnikovs…
Director: Olivier Joulie

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The End of Jim Morrison

The End of Jim Morrison
The End of Jim Morrison

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1971. When Jim Morrison was at the height of his career, The Doors seemed unstoppable. Six years of intensive career, 6 albums, 200 concerts.
Jim Morrison had become a music legend…until a tragic end. Full documentary on the life of this rock icon, from the beginning… until the end.

Director: Michaelle Gagnet

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Dog is Man’s First Friend: The Untold Story of Dogs

Dog is Man’s First Friend: The Untold Story of Dogs
Dog is Man’s First Friend: The Untold Story of Dogs

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This documentary explores the extraordinary journey of dogs from their origins as wild wolves to becoming humanity’s oldest and most loyal companions. Over 20,000 years, dogs have played crucial roles in human survival and society—aiding in hunting, guarding livestock, protecting from danger, navigating harsh environments, and saving lives.
Today, they continue to enrich our lives, offering comfort, companionship, and emotional support. The film delves into how dogs evolved alongside humans, the development of their unique abilities, and the profound impact they have on our lives.
Highlighting remarkable stories from around the globe, it showcases the heroism and extraordinary talents of dogs, celebrating their place as not just pets, but as irreplaceable allies and friends.
Through a blend of scientific insights and heartwarming tales, viewers will discover the incredible journey of dogs becoming man’s first friend.

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