The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations

The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations
The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations

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Twelve thousand years ago man reaches a decisive turning point in his history. He emerges from prehistory and lays the foundations of the first civilizations. THE RISE OF MAN relates the extraordinary evolution of society, from the first village to the first village from the first city, from nomadic behavior to sophisticated urban lifestyles.

Director: Jacques Malaterre

0:00 Twelve thousand years ago, man settled in the first villages, marking the beginning of a new era in human history.
11:55 A nomadic group encounters settled villagers and faces the choice between a sedentary life and their nomadic lifestyle.
23:02 A love story in a prehistoric village turns into a feud between two families, dividing the community.
33:49 The discovery of irrigation and farming techniques leads to prosperity and power in a village.
43:54 A mysterious illness spreads through a town, leading to the rise of a new chief and the banishment of those infected.
52:36 Urhu rises to power and becomes a despotic chief, leading to discontent in the town.
1:02:07 The video explores the rise of cities and the concentration of power in ancient civilizations.
1:12:42 Writing and the power of knowledge.
1:23:25 Sarki is sentenced to death, but is saved by nomads and becomes a master of symbols, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and the written word.

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The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations

The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations
The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations

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Twelve thousand years ago man reaches a decisive turning point in his history. He emerges from prehistory and lays the foundations of the first civilizations. THE RISE OF MAN relates the extraordinary evolution of society, from the first village to the first village from the first city, from nomadic behavior to sophisticated urban lifestyles.

Director: Jacques Malaterre

0:00 Twelve thousand years ago, man settled in the first villages, marking the beginning of a new era in human history.
11:55 A nomadic group encounters settled villagers and faces the choice between a sedentary life and their nomadic lifestyle.
23:02 A love story in a prehistoric village turns into a feud between two families, dividing the community.
33:49 The discovery of irrigation and farming techniques leads to prosperity and power in a village.
43:54 A mysterious illness spreads through a town, leading to the rise of a new chief and the banishment of those infected.
52:36 Urhu rises to power and becomes a despotic chief, leading to discontent in the town.
1:02:07 The video explores the rise of cities and the concentration of power in ancient civilizations.
1:12:42 Writing and the power of knowledge.
1:23:25 Sarki is sentenced to death, but is saved by nomads and becomes a master of symbols, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and the written word.

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The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations

The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations
The Rise of Man – Homo Sapiens Invents Civilizations

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Twelve thousand years ago man reaches a decisive turning point in his history. He emerges from prehistory and lays the foundations of the first civilizations. THE RISE OF MAN relates the extraordinary evolution of society, from the first village to the first village from the first city, from nomadic behavior to sophisticated urban lifestyles.

Director: Jacques Malaterre

0:00 Twelve thousand years ago, man settled in the first villages, marking the beginning of a new era in human history.
11:55 A nomadic group encounters settled villagers and faces the choice between a sedentary life and their nomadic lifestyle.
23:02 A love story in a prehistoric village turns into a feud between two families, dividing the community.
33:49 The discovery of irrigation and farming techniques leads to prosperity and power in a village.
43:54 A mysterious illness spreads through a town, leading to the rise of a new chief and the banishment of those infected.
52:36 Urhu rises to power and becomes a despotic chief, leading to discontent in the town.
1:02:07 The video explores the rise of cities and the concentration of power in ancient civilizations.
1:12:42 Writing and the power of knowledge.
1:23:25 Sarki is sentenced to death, but is saved by nomads and becomes a master of symbols, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and the written word.

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L’odyssée de l’espèce – Homo sapiens

L’odyssée de l’espèce – Homo sapiens
L’odyssée de l’espèce – Homo sapiens

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0:00 Il y a 12000 ans, l’homme prend un tournant décisif en quittant sa vie de nomade pour s’installer dans les premiers villages, inventant ainsi l’agriculture, l’élevage et l’irrigation.
9:25 Les nomades sont attirés par la sécurité et le confort de la vie sédentaire, mais perdent ainsi leur soif de liberté et leur goût pour la découverte de la nature.
22:49 La sédentarité et l’agriculture ont profondément changé le comportement humain il y a 7500 ans avant Jésus-Christ, avec la domestication des animaux et la compétition entre les hommes.
32:28 L’agriculture et l’élevage ont permis aux hommes de prendre le contrôle de la nature et de se développer rapidement.
42:41 Un homme devient le chef du village en prenant des décisions pour lutter contre une maladie qui se propage rapidement.
53:33 Le pouvoir et la vanité ont transformé la vie de la communauté, créant une hiérarchie et une lutte pour le pouvoir.
1:06:27 L’importance de l’écriture dans les premières civilisations et son rôle dans la distribution des richesses et le pouvoir des rois.
1:16:58 L’écriture est un outil puissant qui permet de transmettre le savoir et de lutter contre l’injustice, mais elle peut aussi être manipulée et mentir.
1:30:13 L’écriture devient un puissant moyen de communication et les hommes cherchent à connaître leurs origines.

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Adolf Hitler: The Last Days of the Dictator | Documentary

Adolf Hitler: The Last Days of the Dictator | Documentary
Adolf Hitler: The Last Days of the Dictator | Documentary

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Through vestiges of history, this film shows the final days of Adolf Hitler. Using documents that were unharmed in the fire ordered by the Führer himself as well as his mistress Eva Braun’s letters, other telegrams and transcripts of important conversations, the movie reveals Hitler’s thoughts and emotions he had when he was hiding in his bunker during his last days.

00:00 Summary
01:48 Hitler’s Bunker
13:56 April 20, 1945, Hitler’s birthday
26:00 Hermann Goering expelled from the Party
36:42 Soviet troops advance towards the Reichstag and the Chancellery.
43:12 On April 29, 1945, Hitler’s wedding
45:59 On April 30, 1945, the suicide of Hitler and Eva Braun

This video has multiple soundtrack and subtitles

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Homo sapiens: los orígenes de la humanidad

Homo sapiens: los orígenes de la humanidad
Homo sapiens: los orígenes de la humanidad

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Hace 250.000 años el primer representante directo de nuestra especie exploró la tierra y se desplazó por la superficie del planeta creando asentamientos y comenzando así la conquista de un mundo que no podía abarcar su imaginación.
El cerebro humano evolucionó lentamente hasta alcanzar niveles brillantes. Este hombre sabio inmortalizó su presencia y su paso por la Historia con unos trabajos gloriosos: Tumbas y monumentos megalíticos dedicados a dioses y espíritus; Pinturas rupestres que representaban su dura forma de vida; La escritura, forma esencial de transmisión del conocimiento, y con ella la medicina y otras ciencias verán su nacimiento.

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