Foreign Service officers Kenneth Seeley (William Lundigan) and Margaret “Marge” Waldon (Virginia Bruce) are assigned to “diplomatic mission” in northern China, an area dominated by an outlaw warlord. Marshal Yun Usu (Richard Loo) captures the village where they reside, and they must devise a plan to escape.
Director: Sam Newfield
Writer: Milton Raison
Main cast:
William Lundigan – Kenneth R. Seeley
Virginia Bruce – Marge Waldon
Jonathan Hale – Director-General
Frank Ferguson – Consul Reither
Richard Loo – Marshal Yun Usu
Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Romance, Thriller, War
Release date: February 1949
Filming location: Nassour Studios, Hollywood, California
Download Movie 1949 Thriller – State Department: File 649 – The first story of America’s Silent Service.