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Girl Sad Shayari WhatsApp Status❤| Single Girl Mood Off Status Hearttouching Sad Shayari?#brokengirl

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Videos are for Entertainment purpose only..
Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976,allowance is made for “fair use” for purpose such as criticism, comments, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non profit, Entertainment or personal use tips the balance of in favor of fair use…
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? Movie Credits:
Starring: Aamir Khan & Kajol
Director: Kunal Kohli
Producer: Aditya Chopra
Music: Jatin-Lalit
Lyrics: Prasoon Joshi
Release Date: 26 May 2006

Watch all videos from the film ‘Fanaa’

Choices… to choose between right or wrong is simple, but what defines one’s life is the decision between the greater of two goods or the lesser of two evils. This is the advice that Zooni Ali Beg (Kajol) receives from her father just as she is about to venture out into the world of her own for the very first time. Little does she know that these very words will shape her life.

Zooni, a blind Kashmiri girl, meets Rehan Qadri (Aamir Khan), a local Delhi tour guide and an incorrigible flirt. Her friends warn her against this good-for-nothing roadside Romeo, but she chooses to ignore them. It is now her time to discover life and love. Is this really the right choice?

Rehan is fascinated by Zooni and wants her to see life as it should be seen, in its many colours. He promises her that the time spent with him will be the most precious in all her life. Zooni sees Delhi, life and love like she never has before, because of Rehan.

What Zooni doesn’t know is that Rehan has another side of his life that he has kept from her – something that can not only change her life, but can also destroy it.

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