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punjabi poetry/heart touching poetry/punjab w app status/viral poetry/bazam e aamir toor/Feb 2024

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In the present era, we are bringing a series of literary sessions under the platform of “bazam e aamir toor” for the cultural vitality of Urdu and Punjabi poetry.

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Shairi status for whatsapp |Heart touching poetry |#ytshorts| #status| #dktv| #poetry| #viral

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اردو شاعری محبت اور دوستی, اردو شاعری اسٹیٹس,

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Deep lines poetry status??? |Heart touching lines |#shorts |#ytshorts #viral #dktv|#status

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Khwab Toot Jate Hain | Uzair Rashid | Heart Touching Words

Khwab Toot Jate Hain | Uzair Rashid | Heart Touching Words

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#uzairrashid #hindi #hearttouching

Khwab Toot Jate Hain Written and Narrated by Uzair Rashid

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Heart touching Quotes | Motivational Quotes | Beautiful Poetry | Urdu Quotes #shortvideo

Heart touching Quotes | Motivational Quotes | Beautiful Poetry | Urdu Quotes #shortvideo

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Heart touching Quotes | Motivational Quotes | Beautiful Poetry | Urdu Quotes #shortvideo
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Best Heart touching Punjabi poetry ❣️/ #poetrylovers #subscribe ? fida e ishq #watsappstatus❤️ lover

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Heart touching poetry for Wathsapp status ❤️. Punjabi poetry give me Beautiful word to show my feelings.
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