Beyond The Frontiers of Hate | Western | Full English Movie

Beyond The Frontiers of Hate | Western | Full English Movie

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Beyond The Frontiers of Hate | Western | Full English Movie

Director: Alessandro Santini
Writer: Bruno Vani
Stars: Stefania Nelli, Jeff Cameron, George Cavendish

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Download Movie Beyond The Frontiers of Hate | Western | Full English Movie

Lucky, the Inscrutable | Thriller | Full Movie in English

Lucky, the Inscrutable | Thriller | Full Movie in English

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Lucky, the Inscrutable | Thriller | Full Movie in English

Regia: Jesús Franco
Sceneggiatura: José Luis Martínez Mollá, Julio Buchs, Remigio Del Grosso
Star: Ray Danton, Barbara Bold, Dante Posani

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Download Movie Lucky, the Inscrutable | Thriller | Full Movie in English

Zombie Apocalypse | HD | Action | Full Movie in English

Zombie Apocalypse | HD | Action | Full Movie in English

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Zombie Apocalypse | HD | Action | Full Movie in English

Director: Nick Lyon
Writers: Craig Engler, Brooks Peck
Stars: Ving Rhames, Taryn Manning, Johnny Pacar

Months after a zombie plague has wiped out 90 percent of the American population, a small group of survivors fight their way cross-country to a rumored refuge on the island of Catalina.

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Download Movie Zombie Apocalypse | HD | Action | Full Movie in English

2025: Armageddon | HD | Action | Full Movie in English

2025: Armageddon | HD | Action | Full Movie in English

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2025: Armageddon | HD | Action | Full Movie in English

Director: Michael Su
Screenplay: Glenn Campbell, Marc Gottlieb, Tammy Klein
Star: Michael Paré, Jhey Castles, Lindsey Marie Wilson

Welcome to “Disaster Movies”, the YouTube channel where adventure meets survival!

Here, you’ll find a thrilling selection of films that tell stories of courage and resilience in the face of extreme challenges. From suspense to pure adrenaline, each movie brings you to the heart of intense and unpredictable scenarios.

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Download Movie 2025: Armageddon | HD | Action | Full Movie in English

One by One | Western | Full Movie in english

One by One | Western | Full Movie in english

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One by One | Western | Full Movie in english

Director: Rafael Romero Marchent
Writers: Eduardo Manzanos, Odoardo Fiory
Stars: Peter Lee Lawrence, Guglielmo Spoletini, Dyanik Zurakowska
Spain, Italy 1968

At the Texas/Mexico frontier, during the Civil War, Colonel Greyson was accused of embezzling $ 500,000 that he was to deliver to the Confederate command. In fact, he was betrayed by four officers who accompanied him, and robed the money. When a young man reveals to be Bill Greyson, the son of the colonel, he is about to be lynched by the infuriated, and wrongly informed citizens. El Charro, the leader of a Mexican gang, tells the real story to Bill, and helps him in his revenge plan: to identify and eliminate the four men, who are now respected – and wealthy – citizens. El Charro expects the naive young man to be happy to rehabilitate his family name, and he will outsmart him and take the money. A public statement rehabilitates Bill, alright, and the money comes into the pockets of El Charro. Does crime pay?


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One by One | Western | Full Movie in english

Download Movie One by One | Western | Full Movie in english

Blue Angel Cafe | Drama | Full Movie in English

Blue Angel Cafe | Drama | Full Movie in English

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Blue Angel Cafe | Drama | Full Movie in English

Director: Joe D’Amato
Writers: Daniele Stroppa, Laurence Abby
Stars: Tara Buckman, Richard Brown, Rick Anthony Munroe

Raymond Derek is a up and coming hotshot young politician who seems to have it all. A great career, a wife, friends and a expensive home. But that all changes when he encounters sexy cabaret singer Angie. The two begin a steamy affair until the press find out and it becomes front page news. As his life falls to pieces, Raymond and Angie try to build a life together, but some things just weren’t meant to last.

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Blue Angel Cafe | Drama | Full Episode in English

Download Movie Blue Angel Cafe | Drama | Full Movie in English

Pompeii | HD | Drama | Full Movie in English

Pompeii | HD | Drama | Full Movie in English

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Pompeii | HD | Drama | Full Movie in English

Director: Paolo Poeti
Stars: Tomas Arana, Victor Alfieri, Clayton Norcross

Epic drama of forbidden love in Pompeii at the city’s height of glory, up to the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79. We follow nobles, slaves, gladiators and the secret gatherings of early Christians. Mostly in English.

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Pompeii | HD | Drama | Full Movie in English

Download Movie Pompeii | HD | Drama | Full Movie in English

Fast and Fierce: Death Race | HD | Action | Full Movie in English

Fast and Fierce: Death Race | HD | Action | Full Movie in English

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Fast and Fierce: Death Race | HD | Action | Full Movie in English

Director: Jared Cohn
Writers: Mark Atkins, Marc Gottlieb
Stars: Michael DeVorzon, Paulina Nguyen, Veronika Issa

Jack Tyson is a young man partaking in an illegal Mexico-to-California car race when a desperate woman, fleeing from her abusive gangster boyfriend who is financing the race, jumps into his car pleading for his help and who has an incriminating USB drive that could send her boyfriend, among others, to prison.


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Fast and Fierce: Death Race | HD | Action | Full Movie in English

Download Movie Fast and Fierce: Death Race | HD | Action | Full Movie in English

Garringo | Western | HD | Full movie in English

Garringo | Western | HD | Full movie in English

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Garringo | Western | HD | Full movie in English

Director: Rafael Romero Marchent
Writers: Arpad DeRiso, Joaquín Luis Romero Marchent, Giovanni Scolaro
Stars: Anthony Steffen, Peter Lee Lawrence, Solvi Stubing

As a small boy Johnny saw his father killed by soldiers. Years later he has grown up to be an outlaw and is killing soldiers whenever he can. Lieutenant Garringo is sent out to arrest Johnny and bring him back alive.

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Garringo | Western | HD | Full movie in English

Download Movie Garringo | Western | HD | Full movie in English

The Fighter | HD I Action I Full movie in English

The Fighter | HD I Action I Full movie in English

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The Fighter | HD I Action I Full movie in English

Director: Anthony Maharaj
Writer: Noah Blough, Anthony Maharaj
Cast: Richard Norton, Erica Van Wagener, Franco Guerrero

Ryan Travers has just been released from a prison in Bangkok, Thailand, after serving a five-year sentence for murder. His parents, running an antique shop in the area while waiting for their son to be released, are killed in an explosion perpetrated by the local mob after refusing to pay protection money. Ryan’s news go from bad to worse when he learns his sister Katie is seriously ill and will need an operation. With only a dead end job at a construction site after his release, Ryan learns about a local underground fight ring and decides to enter to raise the money for his sister’s medical fees and search vengeance.

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The Fighter | HD I Action I Full movie in English

Download Movie The Fighter | HD I Action I Full movie in English

$1,000 on the Black I Western I Full movie in English

,000 on the Black I Western I Full movie in English

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$1,000 on the Black I Western I Full movie in English

Director: Alberto Cardone
Writers: Ernesto Gastaldi, Vittorio Salerno, Rolf Olsen
Cast: Anthony Steffen, Gianni Garko, Erika Blanc

Twelve years ago, Sartana framed his brother Johnny for murder and stole his girlfriend. Now the town’s undisputed boss and doted over by his possessive mother, Sartana seems safe – until, his sentence served, Johnny rides back into town.

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$1,000 on the Black I Western I Full movie in English

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Gorgo | Horror | Full movie in english

Gorgo | Horror | Full movie in english

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Gorgo | Horror | HD | Full movie in english

Director: Eugène Lourié
Writers: Robert L. Richards, Daniel James
Stars: Bill Travers, William Sylvester, Vincent Winter

Greedy sailors capture a giant lizard off the coast of Ireland and sell it to a London circus. Then its mother shows up.

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Gorgo | Horror | HD | Full movie in english

Download Movie Gorgo | Horror | Full movie in english