Learn English with Movies – Samuel is in JAIL!

Learn English with Movies – Samuel is in JAIL!

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This movie will help you expand your vocabulary by learning how to describe places and situations.
Learning English with dialogues will help you understand the language better and is perfect for anyone learning English as a foreign language.

On our Like English channel you can find free videos that help you learn English online.
We have English courses for beginners at the A1 and A2 language levels, as well as videos for advanced learners at the B1 and B2 language levels.

If you are new here, don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and like the video.
We are of course very grateful to you!

Yours David and Daniel – Have fun!


Like English is a free Channel for English learners.
We study how to learn English speaking easily. You’ll also see lessons for English speaking practice, tenses in English grammar with examples.
You will find free English vocabulary Videos, English grammar Videos, English exercises and English lessons. They will help you learn English.

Download Movie Learn English with Movies – Samuel is in JAIL!

10 Expressions for Talking About Movies in English | Everyday vocabulary lesson

10 Expressions for Talking About Movies in English | Everyday vocabulary lesson

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In this video, we’ll teach you essential expressions and vocabulary for talking about movies in English. These phrases and expressions will help you communicate effectively about movies…just in time for the Oscars!

We’ll cover everything from describing the plot and characters, to expressing your opinions and reactions to a movie. With clear examples and explanations, you’ll learn how to use expressions like “it had me on the edge of my seat” or “the acting was top-notch” to give your thoughts on a movie.

I will guide you through each expression. By the end of the video, you’ll be equipped with a range of expressions to confidently discuss movies in English.

So grab some popcorn, sit back, and join me for this fun and informative lesson on expressions for talking about movies in English! Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel for more helpful tips and lessons on English language learning.


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My name is Gabbie and I help English learners gain the communication skills they need to speak confidently so that they can live independent and happy lives abroad. To learn more, please visit my website: www.yesandenglish.com

Download Movie 10 Expressions for Talking About Movies in English | Everyday vocabulary lesson

SPEAK FLUENTLY. The devil wears Prada. English with movies. Диявол носить Прада. Ангійська по фільму

SPEAK FLUENTLY. The devil wears Prada. English with movies. Диявол носить Прада. Ангійська по фільму

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English is not just boring grammar exercises or plain vocabulary descriptions. It can be fun, entertaining, and easy. You love discussing work ethics, relationships, or life choices? It is definitely a must-watch movie!
sack, crucial, rupture, paunchy, foul, unpredictable, divine, mockup, hideous, convention, baffle, insignificant, minute, vicious, fidget, whisk
gird your loins, head on the chopping block, ring off the hook, go up in smoke, sell your soul to the devil, own up to, call the shots, cross over the dark side, know like the back of the hand
fish out, trickle down, stick it out, throw on, out someone up

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Download Movie SPEAK FLUENTLY. The devil wears Prada. English with movies. Диявол носить Прада. Ангійська по фільму

Learn English with Movies – Lisa’s Future

Learn English with Movies – Lisa’s Future

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This movie will help you expand your vocabulary by learning how to describe places and situations.
Learning English with dialogues will help you understand the language better and is perfect for anyone learning English as a foreign language.

On our Like English channel you can find free videos that help you learn English online.
We have English courses for beginners at the A1 and A2 language levels, as well as videos for advanced learners at the B1 and B2 language levels.

If you are new here, don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and like the video.
We are of course very grateful to you!

Yours David and Daniel – Have fun!


Like English is a free Channel for English learners.
We study how to learn English speaking easily. You’ll also see lessons for English speaking practice, tenses in English grammar with examples.
You will find free English vocabulary Videos, English grammar Videos, English exercises and English lessons. They will help you learn English.

Download Movie Learn English with Movies – Lisa’s Future

Status Quo | #shorts #english #status

Status Quo | #shorts #english #status

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#statusquo #nouns #eacademia
Status Quo | #shorts #english #status #simplelearning #englishshorts #basicenglish #youtubeshorts #grammar #english #learning #englishlearning #englishlanguage

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