Mayi Ri | Last Episode | 7 October 2023 (English Subtitles) ARY Digital Drama

Mayi Ri | Last Episode | 7 October 2023 (English Subtitles) ARY Digital Drama

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New! Mayi Ri Last Episode 66 | Aina Asif | Samar Abbas | Maya Khan | Maria Wasti | 7th October 2023 | ARY Digital Drama

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Mayi Ri is an exceptionally written drama whose story highlights the rotten fabric of society. Child marriage is an issue that is prevalent in our society and Mayi Ri depicts it beautifully.

Aina Asif
Samar Abbas
Naumaan Ijaz
Maria Wasti
Maya Khan
Sajida Syed
Saad Faridi
Amna Malik
Paras Masroor
Usman Mazhar
Diya Mughal.

Directed By: Meesam Naqvi
Concept & Story: Sana Fahad

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The most watched and loved Pakistani Entertainment channel is now on SoundCloud! Follow us here and listen to your favorite OSTs now! ♫

Pakistani Drama Industry’s biggest Platform, ARY Digital, is the Hub of exceptional and uninterrupted entertainment. You can watch quality dramas with relatable stories, Original Sound Tracks, Telefilms, and a lot more impressive content in HD. Subscribe to the YouTube channel of ARY Digital to be entertained by the content you always wanted to watch.

Mayi Ri | Episode 61 | 2nd October 2023 (English Subtitles) ARY Digital Drama

Mayi Ri | Episode 61 | 2nd October 2023 (English Subtitles) ARY Digital Drama

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New! Mayi Ri Episode 61 | Aina Asif | Samar Abbas | Maya Khan | Maria Wasti | 2nd October 2023 | ARY Digital Drama

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Mayi Ri is an exceptionally written drama whose story highlights the rotten fabric of society. Child marriage is an issue that is prevalent in our society and Mayi Ri depicts it beautifully.

Aina Asif
Samar Abbas
Naumaan Ijaz
Maria Wasti
Maya Khan
Sajida Syed
Saad Faridi
Amna Malik
Paras Masroor
Usman Mazhar
Diya Mughal.

Directed By: Meesam Naqvi
Concept & Story: Sana Fahad

Watch Mayi Ri daily at 7:00 PM, on ARY Digital!

#MayiRi #AinaAsif #NaumaanIjaz #SamarAbbas #MariaWasti #MayaKhan #ParasMasroor #diyamughal

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The most watched and loved Pakistani Entertainment channel is now on SoundCloud! Follow us here and listen to your favorite OSTs now! ♫

Pakistani Drama Industry’s biggest Platform, ARY Digital, is the Hub of exceptional and uninterrupted entertainment. You can watch quality dramas with relatable stories, Original Sound Tracks, Telefilms, and a lot more impressive content in HD. Subscribe to the YouTube channel of ARY Digital to be entertained by the content you always wanted to watch.

New! Mayi Ri Episode 61 | Promo | ARY Digital

New! Mayi Ri Episode 61 | Promo | ARY Digital

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New! Mayi Ri Episode 61 | Promo | Aina Asif | Samar Abbas | Maya Khan | Maria Wasti | 2nd Oct 2023 | ARY Digital Drama

Watch all Episodes of Mayi Ri Here ?

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Mayi Ri is an exceptionally written drama whose story highlights the rotten fabric of society. Child marriage is an issue that is prevalent in our society and Mayi Ri depicts it beautifully.

Aina Asif
Samar Abbas
Naumaan Ijaz
Maria Wasti
Maya Khan
Sajida Syed
Saad Faridi
Amna Malik
Paras Masroor
Usman Mazhar
Diya Mughal.

Directed By: Meesam Naqvi
Concept & Story: Sana Fahad

Watch Mayi Ri daily at 7:00 PM, on ARY Digital!

#MayiRi #AinaAsif #NaumaanIjaz #SamarAbbas #MariaWasti #MayaKhan #ParasMasroor #diyamughal

Download ARY ZAP:

The most watched and loved Pakistani Entertainment channel is now on SoundCloud! Follow us here and listen to your favorite OSTs now! ♫

Pakistani Drama Industry’s biggest Platform, ARY Digital, is the Hub of exceptional and uninterrupted entertainment. You can watch quality dramas with relatable stories, Original Sound Tracks, Telefilms, and a lot more impressive content in HD. Subscribe to the YouTube channel of ARY Digital to be entertained by the content you always wanted to watch.

Mayi Ri | Best Moment | ARY Digtial

Mayi Ri | Best Moment | ARY Digtial

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Watch all Episodes of Mayi Ri Here ?

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Mayi Ri is an exceptionally written drama whose story highlights the rotten fabric of society. Child marriage is an issue that is prevalent in our society and Mayi Ri depicts it beautifully.

Aina Asif
Samar Abbas
Naumaan Ijaz
Maria Wasti
Maya Khan
Sajida Syed
Saad Faridi
Amna Malik
Paras Masroor
Usman Mazhar
Diya Mughal.

Directed By: Meesam Naqvi
Concept & Story: Sana Fahad

Watch Mayi Ri daily at 7:00 PM, on ARY Digital!

#MayiRi #AinaAsif #NaumaanIjaz #SamarAbbas #MariaWasti #MayaKhan #ParasMasroor #diyamughal

Download ARY ZAP:

The most watched and loved Pakistani Entertainment channel is now on SoundCloud! Follow us here and listen to your favorite OSTs now! ♫

Pakistani Drama Industry’s biggest Platform, ARY Digital, is the Hub of exceptional and uninterrupted entertainment. You can watch quality dramas with relatable stories, Original Sound Tracks, Telefilms, and a lot more impressive content in HD. Subscribe to the YouTube channel of ARY Digital to be entertained by the content you always wanted to watch.

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Mayi Ri | Episode 1 | 2nd August 2023 (English Subtitles) ARY Digital Drama

Mayi Ri | Episode 1 | 2nd August 2023 (English Subtitles) ARY Digital Drama

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New! Mayi Ri Episode 1 | Aina Asif | Samar Abbas | Naumaan Ijaz | Maya Khan | Maria Wasti | 02 Aug 2023 | ARY Digital Drama

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Mayi Ri is an exceptionally written drama whose story highlights the rotten fabric of society. Child marriage is an issue that is prevalent in our society and Mayi Ri depicts it beautifully.

Aina Asif
Samar Abbas
Naumaan Ijaz
Maria Wasti
Maya Khan
Sajida Syed
Saad Faridi
Amna Malik
Paras Masroor
Usman Mazhar
Diya Mughal.

Directed By: Meesam Naqvi
Concept & Story: Sana Fahad

Watch Mayi Ri Daily at 7:00 PM, on ARY Digital!

#MayiRi #AinaAsif #NaumaanIjaz #SamarAbbas #MariaWasti #MayaKhan #ParasMasroor #diyamughal

Download ARY ZAP:

The most watched and loved Pakistani Entertainment channel is now on SoundCloud! Follow us here and listen to your favorite OSTs now! ♫

Pakistani Drama Industry’s biggest Platform, ARY Digital, is the Hub of exceptional and uninterrupted entertainment. You can watch quality dramas with relatable stories, Original Sound Tracks, Telefilms, and a lot more impressive content in HD. Subscribe to the YouTube channel of ARY Digital to be entertained by the content you always wanted to watch.

Download Movie Mayi Ri | Episode 1 | 2nd August 2023 (English Subtitles) ARY Digital Drama