【ENG】The Exam | Drama Movie | Biographical Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH

【ENG】The Exam | Drama Movie | Biographical Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH

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【Chinese Name】考试
【Starring】曲凤琴 Qu Fengqin / 徐波 Xu Bo / 刘来福 Liu Laifu
【Synopsis】Zhaokaitun is a small island in a lake surrounded by water in the Qiqihar Zhalong International Wetland Nature Reserve. There is no electricity so far, and the residents on the island live a life almost isolated from modern society. There are only five students in Zhaokaitun Primary School on the island, and mixed class teaching is implemented. Teacher Qu, who is in her forties, is the only teacher and principal of the elementary school. Teacher Qu has been teaching at Zhaokaitun Primary School for 20 years, but recently, he received an order to be transferred…
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