[Full Movie] 狄仁杰 Detective Dee 神都龙王 | 武侠动作电影 Martial Arts Action film HD

[Full Movie] 狄仁杰 Detective Dee 神都龙王 | 武侠动作电影 Martial Arts Action film HD
[Full Movie] 狄仁杰 Detective Dee 神都龙王 | 武侠动作电影 Martial Arts Action film HD

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Synopsis: The martial arts action movie “Detective Dee 狄仁傑之神都龍王” tells a story in Tang Gaozong’s last years. Gaozong and Wu Zetian sent troops to attack the enemy. Unexpectedly, the fleet encountered the Sea Dragon and suffered heavy losses. Young Di Renjie first arrived in Luoyang and then was involved in the case of robbing the “Courtesan of Luoyang” Yin Ruiji. He investigates the case of the Sea Dragon together with Yuchi Zhenjin and Shatuo Zhong. Yin Ruiji’s former lover Yuan Zhen becomes the key clue to solving the case. At the same time, some conspiracies concerning the safety of the royal family followed one after another, and Luoyang City fell into crisis.

故事简介: 武侠动作电影《狄仁杰之神都龙王 Detective Dee》讲述唐高宗末年,高宗(盛鉴饰)与武则天(刘嘉玲饰)力排众议出兵攻打敌国,岂料舰队出海遭遇事故损失惨重。年少狄仁杰(赵又廷饰)初到洛阳便卷入掳掠花魁银睿姬一案,几经破折解救银睿姬(杨颖饰)并获得大理寺卿尉迟真金(冯绍峰饰)信任,携尉迟与沙陀忠(林更新饰)一同查办龙王案,而睿姬昔日情郎元镇(金泛饰)则成为破案关键。与此同时一些有关皇族的安危的阴谋接连而至,洛阳城陷入一片危机四伏中。

出品 Studio: 华谊兄弟 Huayi Bros Picture, 中影集团 China Film Group
制片人 Produced by: 施南生 Shi Nan Sun, 王中军 Wang Zhongjun, 王中磊 Wang Zhonglei, 陈国富 Chen Guofu, 徐克 Hark Tsui.
导演 Directed by: 徐克 Hark Tsui.
编剧 Screenplay by: 徐克 Hark Tsui, 陈国富 Chen Guofu, 张家鲁 Zhang Jialu.
主演 Starring: 赵又廷 Mark Chao, 冯绍峰 Feng Shaofeng, 林更新 Kenny Lin, 杨颖 Angelababy, 刘嘉玲 Carina Lau, 金汎 Ian Kim, 陈坤 Chen Kun.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #武侠 #martialarts #玄幻 #Fantasy

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Download Movie [Full Movie] 狄仁杰 Detective Dee 神都龙王 | 武侠动作电影 Martial Arts Action film HD