DEATH TUNNEL | Hollywood Movie Hindi Dubbed | Horror Movie | Sony Pictures

DEATH TUNNEL | Hollywood Movie Hindi Dubbed | Horror Movie | Sony Pictures

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Presenting hindi dubbed full movie Death Tunnel (डेथ टनल), a captivating film — (Horror movie — dubbed in Hindi, exclusively on our channel! मज़ा ले इस मूवी का और हमें comments में बताए कि यह movie आपको कैसी लगी।

👋 Five coeds spend the night in an abandoned hospital haunted by the ghosts of former patients.

DEATH TUNNEL | Hollywood Movie Hindi Dubbed | Horror Movie | Sony Pictures


To pass a college initiation, five medical school students – Devon (Melanie Lewis), Elizabeth (Yolanda Pecoraro), Ashley (Kristin Novak), Tori (Annie Burgstede), and Heather (Steffany Huckaby) – are dared to spend the night in the Waverly Hills Sanatorium. In this abandoned mental institution, over 60,000 people died of the white plague. Discovering they are connected to the building’s horrific past, the students encounter five ghosts who haunt the hospital. When supernatural forces kill four of the girls, the sole survivor attempts to escape through the death tunnel, a 500-foot underground passage through which the plague victims are carried to their final resting place.

⦿ Director: Philip Adrian Booth
⦿ Cast: Melanie Lewis, Yolanda Pecoraro, Kristin Novak, Annie Burgstede, Steffany Huckaby

कॉलेज की दीक्षा प्रक्रिया को पास करने के लिए, पाँच मेडिकल स्कूल की छात्राओं – Devon, Elizabeth, Ashley, Tori और Heather – को Waverly Hills Sanatorium में रात बिताने की हिम्मत की जाती है। वे इस बात का पता लगाते हैं कि उनकी इमारत के भयावह अतीत से एक कनेक्शन है और उन्हें पाँच भूतों का सामना करना पड़ता है।

#DeathTunnel #MelanieLewis #YolandaPecoraro

Welcome to Sony Pictures – Horror Adda, your go-to for Hollywood Horror Movies and psychological thrillers. Dive into spine-chilling cinema, haunted houses, and supernatural phenomena-based full movie. Perfect for horror buffs and fans of uncanny cinema and creature feature movies.

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Download Movie DEATH TUNNEL | Hollywood Movie Hindi Dubbed | Horror Movie | Sony Pictures

DEATH TUNNEL | डेथ टनल | Hollywood Movie Hindi Dubbed | Horror Movie | Sony Pictures

DEATH TUNNEL | डेथ टनल | Hollywood Movie Hindi Dubbed | Horror Movie | Sony Pictures

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Presenting hindi dubbed full movie Death Tunnel (डेथ टनल), a captivating film — (Horror, – movie — dubbed in Hindi, exclusively on our channel! मज़ा ले इस मूवी का और हमें comments में बताए कि यह movie आपको कैसी लगी।

👋 Five coeds spend the night in an abandoned hospital haunted by the ghosts of former patients.

DEATH TUNNEL | डेथ टनल | Hollywood Movie Hindi Dubbed | Horror Movie | Hollywood Movie in Hindi | Sony Pictures


To pass a college initiation, five medical school students – Devon (Melanie Lewis), Elizabeth (Yolanda Pecoraro), Ashley (Kristin Novak), Tori (Annie Burgstede), and Heather (Steffany Huckaby) – are dared to spend the night in the Waverly Hills Sanatorium. In this abandoned mental institution, over 60,000 people died of the white plague. Discovering they are connected to the building’s horrific past, the students encounter five ghosts who haunt the hospital. When supernatural forces kill four of the girls, the sole survivor attempts to escape through the death tunnel, a 500-foot underground passage through which the plague victims are carried to their final resting place.

⦿ Director: Philip Adrian Booth
⦿ Cast: Melanie Lewis, Yolanda Pecoraro, Kristin Novak, Annie Burgstede, Steffany Huckaby

कॉलेज की दीक्षा प्रक्रिया को पास करने के लिए, पाँच मेडिकल स्कूल की छात्राओं – Devon, Elizabeth, Ashley, Tori और Heather – को Waverly Hills Sanatorium में रात बिताने की हिम्मत की जाती है। वे इस बात का पता लगाते हैं कि उनकी इमारत के भयावह अतीत से एक कनेक्शन है और उन्हें पाँच भूतों का सामना करना पड़ता है।

#DeathTunnel #MelanieLewis #YolandaPecoraro

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Download Movie DEATH TUNNEL | डेथ टनल | Hollywood Movie Hindi Dubbed | Horror Movie | Sony Pictures