【ENG】Underwater Warriors | Drama Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH

【ENG】Underwater Warriors | Drama Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH

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【Chinese Name】海下尖刀
【Starring】王韦智 Wang Weizhi / 黄轩 Huang Xuan
【Synopsis】Guo Xiaoyang graduated from the Naval Command Academy and was assigned to the reef blasting team. His dream of becoming a captain was thus dashed. He looked down on this naval engineering unit from the bottom of his heart. When he joined the reef blasting team, he had a conflict with Captain Luo Yi. And Luo Yi’s dislike for Guo Xiaoyang stemmed partly from the latter’s arrogance, and partly from Luo Yi discovering that Guo Xiaoyang was actually his half-brother. Luo Yi hated his father Guo Dachuan because of a misunderstanding and blamed Guo Xiaoyang. For a brief moment, Luo Yi and Guo Xiaoyang became irreconcilable enemies…
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