Recall Song | Joban Malhi | ਰੀਕਾਲ | Sidhu Moose Wala HiT Song HmT #viral #song #sidhumoosewala
RECALL Bye Sirhumoosewala [ Ai New Punjabi Song ]
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Song Lyrics ———
ishq hawawaan
Wagiyan na tetho baad ve
Arshan toh taare tutt de
Karde sajjna nu yaad ve
Tere lyi likhna mai chawan
Akhar koi mech na aawe
Khaure oh kinj bhull gye ne
Satho na bhulleya jawe
Khaure oo kinjh bhul gaye ne
Satto na bhullya jave.
Baatan da shehar rakaane
Baitha chup chaap dekh laa
Mere te shq jeha lagda
Akhiyan toh aap dekh laa
Mere te shq jeha lagda
Akhiyan toh aap dekh laa
Kinna oh tera karda
Kinna tu haq jataawe
Khaure oh kinj bhull gye ne
Satho na bhulleya jawe
Suneya oh dil toh karda
Mangda nitt khair mai suneya
Ajj kal tu jithe vass di
Barfan da shehar mai Suneya
Kaisa tu jinda laa gayi
Sathi na khuleya jawe
Khaure oh kinj bhull gye ne
Satho na bhulleya jawe.
Deol tenu likhda rehnda
Ishqe diya kalma suchiyan
Suneya gaddiyan te gallan
Tere sajjna diyan uchiyan
Karda tera moh v baala
Mera na fiqar sataawe
Khaure oh kinj bhull gye ne
Satho na bhulleya jawe.
Song Details
Track: Recall
Artist: Joban Malhi
Lyrics: Jrmn Deol
Released: June 21, 2022
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