Paying Guests Full Movie With English Subtitle – Comedy Movie – Shreyas Talpade, Johnny Lever

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Love Express Full Movie With English Subtitle – Roamantic Comedy Movie – Sahil Mehta, Mannat Ravi, Vikas Katyal – Blockbuster Hindi Movie – HD

After Bhavesh, Parag, Parikshat, and Jayesh ridicule their Bangkok-based landlord, Kiska Meglani, he evicts them. Broke and with nowhere to go, the hapless foursome decide to pose as couples, with Bhavesh and Parag assuming the guise of voluptuous females, Karishma and Kareena respectively. They find a sympathetic landlord, Ballu Singh, who lets them move in. Subsequently, Jayesh finds employment in an architectural firm and assures his friends that their problems may well be resolved. But before that could happen, Ballu’s wife, Sweety, comes to know that Kareena is pregnant, and the involvement of gangsters who want a signed deed from Ballu at any and all costs.

➡ Movie : Paying Guests (2009).
➡ Starring : Ashish Chaudhary, Shreyas Talpade, Javed Jaffrey, Vatsal Seth, Celina Jaitly, Neha Dhupia, Riya Sen, Sayali Bhagat, Johnny Lever, Delnaaz Paul, Chunky Pandey, Asrani, Inder Kumar, Paintal.
➡ Producer : Raju Farooqui.
➡ Director : Paritosh Painter.


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Download Movie Paying Guests Full Movie With English Subtitle – Comedy Movie – Shreyas Talpade, Johnny Lever

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