Neighbours Full Movie 4K | Shakti Kapoor | Roushika Reikhi | Bollywood Horror Movie | Vampire Movie
Film: Neighbours
Watch Hindi Horror Movie Neighbours: They Are Vampires (2014) Bollywood Horror Movie.
Starring: Arbaaz Ali Khan, Shakti Kapoor, Sunny Singh, Hritu, Gavie Chahal, Rufy Khan, Kirti Vaidhya, Roushika Reikhi.
Producer: Shyam Ramsay, Director: Shyam Ramsay
Plot: A horror buff discovers that her new neighbours are actually vampires, but when she tells people nobody believes her.
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Download Movie Neighbours Full Movie 4K | Shakti Kapoor | Roushika Reikhi | Bollywood Horror Movie | Vampire Movie
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