The film revolves around those unwanted relationships, which are made and then they are punished as well. BA Pass 3 narrates the story of a jobless Anshul and how his life changes upside down when he meets a married woman and gets into a relationship with her.
Movie: B.A. Pass 3
Producer: Narendra Singh
Director: Narendra Singh
Writer: Deep Chugh & Narendra Singh
Concept: Kritika Sachdeva
DOP: Anmol Dhiman
Assistant DOP: Anshul Sharma
Gaffer: Amit Panwar
Assistant Director: Ish Sharma & Akshay Kumar
Production Designer: Noor Azam Ali Khan
Associate Art Director: Shilpa Kaul
Editor: Harpreet Singh & Bunny Rasta
Music: Altaaf & Manny
Singer: Altaaf Sayyed
Lyrics: Atiya Sayyed
Background Music: The Blues Band, Ronith Halder and Dipankar Amrit Deka
Sound Mixing: Shantanu Mukherjee
DI Colourist: Vipin K. Thakur
VFX & Titles: Akshay Kumar
PR: Ritesh Shrivastava (Expansion PR)
Costume: Narinder Kaur Marry
Makeup: Pawan Kumar (Khalifa)
Camera Attendant: Ansumann Rajawat & Chundaveer Singh
Production Manager: Ankur Hashampuria & Sachin Jadon
Cast: Sunny Sachdeva, Ankita Chouhan, Armaan Sandhu, Ankita Sahu, Arjun Fauzdar, Namish Anand, Amanda Bhogal & Yash Gulati.
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