Prisoner of Love – Season 2 Episode 1 (English Subtitles) | Adini Sen Koy

Prisoner of Love – Season 2 Episode 1 (English Subtitles) | Adini Sen Koy

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After his mother left his father for another man, Omer’s (Erkan Meric) perception of women was forever damaged, and he considers them unreliable, untrustworthy and even dangerous. The only woman he has time for is his beloved sister Ayse (Yaprak Durmaz), for whom he would do anything. Ayse herself is a great romantic and wants nothing more than for her brother to be happy and find love for himself. When she falls ill, and with only months to live, Omer understands that the only way for his sister to die happy is for him to be married. He arranges a deal with Zehra (Hazal Subasi), a woman in desperate need of money, that he will pay her what she needs and their marriage shall only last six months. Omer, believing Zehra to be nothing but a gold digger, treats her with no affection and expects her simply to fulfill her side of the bargain and do exactly as he says. But in time, he sees another side to her and the two develop unexpected feelings that complicate matters further…

Across town, an old friend of Zehra’s is falling in to an unlikely relationship of her own. After taking over a business that she has no idea has ties to the mob, she soon falls foul of the gangsters, while the friend she took over the company from makes her escape. Desperately seeking a way to pay off the criminal gang and get rid of them from her life, destiny intervenes and she meets Kerem (Ali Yagci), a rich man with the resources to help. Though he is an arrogant bully, in time the two can’t deny their feelings for one another and the romantic cycle that started with Omer and Zehra’s inconvenient marriage, continues…

Erkan Meric
Hazal Subasi
Yaprak Durmaz
Aykut Igdeli
Hande Comertler
Ali Yagci
Neslihan Gunaydin
Hazal Minel Aynali
Nisa Sofiya Aksongur
Ezgi Baran
Nur Sacbuker
Musab Ekici
Umut Aksoy
Fatma Karanfil
Cenk Torun
Deniz Durmaz
Ozge Yagiz

#prisoneroflove #adinisenkoy #omerzehra

Download Movie Prisoner of Love – Season 2 Episode 1 (English Subtitles) | Adini Sen Koy

@TheAmbassadorsDaughterEnglish – Episode 1 (English Subtitles) | Sefirin Kızı

@TheAmbassadorsDaughterEnglish – Episode 1 (English Subtitles) | Sefirin Kızı

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The Ambassador’s Daughter – Episode 2 →

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Sancar and Nare have been in love with each other since childhood. When they are old enough to get married, they realize their dreams. Their love is put in a difficult situation due to a mishap on their wedding night.


Sancar Efeoğlu: Engin Akyürek
Nare: Neslihan Atagul
Mavi: Tuba Büyüküstün
Gediz: Uraz Kaygilaroglu
Melek: Beren Gencalp
Yahya: Doğukan Polat
Elvan: Hivda Zizan Alp
Kahraman: Bülent Şakrak
Zehra: Cemre Öktem
Kavruk Ömer: Edip Tepeli
Güven: Erdal Küçükkömürcü
Halise: Gonca Cilasun
Dudu: İlayda Ildır

#TheAmbassador’sDaughter #EnginAkyurek #NeslihanAtagul

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Dila Hanim – Episode 1 HD (English Subtitles)

Dila Hanim – Episode 1 HD (English Subtitles)

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Dila Hanim – Episode 1

“Dila Hanım” is a drama series written by Onur Tan & Zülküf Yücel. Broadcast in Turkey in 2012. It tells the story of a woman who falls in love with her husband’s murderer.

Dila is a beautiful bride of Barazoglu family. Her life turns upside down when her lovely husband is killed by the older son of the Karadagli family, Riza. Dila swears to take revenge of her husband and swears to kill Riza. She moves out Istanbul and starts to live in a big farm house of her father-in-law in order to exact her vengeance.When Riza meets Dila, he is immediately drowned to her without knowing that she comes from Barazoglu family. At the same time, Dila falls in love with Riza but she does not know that Riza is the killer of her ex-husband.In this story, you will explore the impossible love of two proud persons who come from opposing families. Will Dila learn that Riza is the one who has killed her ex-husband? Will Dila and Riza manage to restrain their love? Will the past be forgotten?

Genre: Romance, Drama
Broadcast Network: Star Tv
Production Company: Gold Film
Director: Nihat Durak – Aydın Bulut
Screen Writer: Zülküf Yücel – Onur Tan


Erkan Petekkaya – Rıza
Hatice Şendil – Dila
Görkem Mertsöz – Suat
Engin Şenkan – Seyit
Oktay Gürsoy – Metin
Necip Memili – Azer

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Hear Me Episode 1 in English Dubbed | Duy Beni @HearMeEnglish

Hear Me Episode 1 in English Dubbed | Duy Beni @HearMeEnglish

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Duy Beni | Hear Me Episode 1 Summary (English Dubbed):

Violence, led by a large group of students in the school, puts Ekim and her friends face to face with life. Although Ekim is trying to break a dark veil of secrecy, the wind of youth will blow so hard and so fiercely that her heart will be turned upside down by the bully boy she sees punching a student when she first arrives at school.

Production: Süreç Film
Director: Ali Balcı
Scenario: Makbule Kosif


Berk Hakman – Selim
Rabia Soytürk – Ekim
Caner Topçu – Kanat
Helin Kandemir – Leyla
Burak Can – Aziz
Sümeyye Aydoğan – Melisa
Feride Çetin – Neşe
Aytaç Uşun – Halil
Meltem Akçöl – Hazal
Alper Atak – Süleyman
Bedia Ener – Şükran
Hamdi Alp – Selçuk
Utku Coşkun – Ozan
Taha Bora Elkoca – Bekir
Gökçe Güneş Doğrusöz – Ayşe
Jasmine Berkiş – Naz
Yeliz Akay – Suna
Cemre Özşişman – Emine
Dilara Sümbül – Ece
Beste Kaptanoğlu – Elvan
İbrahim Yıldız – Dağhan
Durul Bazan – Fikret
Murat Daltaban – Rıza

#HearMe #EnglishDubbed #ekkan #ekimkanat #melisakanat #duybeniekkan #rabiasoytürk #canertopçu #sümeyyeaydoğan #helinkandemir

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