The movie follows the story of a goon for hire, Maradona (Tovino Thomas), a cranky young man who moves to Bangalore to stay with his distant relatives, after accidentally injuring a powerful politician’s son. However, the politician hires a goon named Martin (Chemban Vinod) to track down Maradona and his friend Sudhi (Tito Wilson), who picked up a fight with the man’s son, Aravindan, and has lost his memory after the incident.
Maradona befriends many people in the apartment, like Ousepachan, an old man living all alone in the apartment opposite to that of his. He also befriends Asha (Sharanya R Nair) who is a home nurse at the apartment next door, shortly before falling in love with her. Simultaneously he is informed by Sudhi and another friend of his, about the events taking place at their hometown.
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