Punjabi Heart Touching And Super hit Poetry|Punjabi Shayari Status|Punjabi Kalam#saeedaslampoetry

Punjabi Heart Touching And Super hit Poetry|Punjabi Shayari Status|Punjabi Kalam#saeedaslampoetry

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Punjabi Poetry..

خداواں دے جبر ویکھاں
تےبندیاں وچ صبر ویکھاں

کدی اپنا پڑھاں کتبہ
کدی اپنی قبر ویکھاں

کھلوتا ساں میں راہواں وچ
جےجیون دا سفر ویکھاں

اجےمنصف دی تکڑی وی
میں ہوندی بے خبرویکھاں

ترے بلہاں دی سرخی دا
گلاباں تے اثر ویکھاں

توں اودھر لکھ نظر آویں
میں جدھراک نظرویکھاں

بہاراں وچ وی ارشد میں
جھڑے ہوۓشجر ویکھاں

All images, Pictures, Music Show in the Vedio belongs to the respected owners.

This Channel Does Not Promote Any Illegal Content All Contents Provided By This Channel is meant for Musicals And Whatsapp Status Purposes Only

Copyright Disclaimer☆Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.

#punjabiwhatsappstatus #punjabikalam #punjabipoetry #punjabi #watsappstatussayri #punjabimahiye #punjabidohre

Rang Zard Honde Mazdoora De|Mazdoor Painful Poetry in Punjabi|Punjabi HeartTouching Mazdoor Shayari

Rang Zard Honde Mazdoora De|Mazdoor Painful Poetry in Punjabi|Punjabi HeartTouching Mazdoor Shayari

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Punabi Poetry..

رنگ زرد ہوندن مزدوراں دے۔

All images, Pictures, Music Show in the Vedio belongs to the respected owners.

This Channel Does Not Promote Any Illegal Content All Contents Provided By This Channel is meant for Musicals And Whatsapp Status Purposes Only

Copyright Disclaimer☆Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.

#پنجابی_شاعری #punjabiwhatsappstatus #mazdoor #punjabikalam #punjabistatus

Saroor Punjabi Da|Punjabi Heart Touching Romantic Poetry|Punjabi Watsapp Shayari Status|Punjabi Poem

Saroor Punjabi Da|Punjabi Heart Touching Romantic Poetry|Punjabi Watsapp Shayari Status|Punjabi Poem

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Punjabi Poetry,,

جنہاں نوں آ جاوے یار شعور پنجابی دا
دھرتی اُتے ونڈدے اوہ مڑ نُور پنجابی دا

واہی بیجی دیوچ دیندے رول جوانی نوں
ہتھ دی کر کے کھانا ہے منشور پنجابی دا

وچ سکولاں پابندیاں نیں ساڈے بالاں اتے
دل دماغ چوں ٹھارو ایہہ تندور پنجابی دا

دیس پنجاب دی مٹی اندر جڑ جے ہووے لگی
ٹہنی ٹہنی لگدا سچل بور پنجابی دا

دھرتی ماں لئی جگرا کرکے جیون دان وی کردے
تان کے سینا کھڑ جانا دستور پنجابی دا

میاں محمد، وارث، بلھا، پیر فرید، نذیر
پڑھ کے روح نوں آوے وکھ سرور پنجابی دا

All images, Pictures, Music Show in the Vedio belongs to the respected owners.

This Channel Does Not Promote Any Illegal Content All Contents Provided By This Channel is meant for Musicals And Whatsapp Status Purposes Only

Copyright Disclaimer☆Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.

#kalampunjabi #sadstatuspunjabi #punjabipoetry #punjabistatus

Sain Veeran Sarkar|Heart Touching Pothohari Shayari|Punjabi Poetry Watsapp Status|Punjabi New Kalam|

Sain Veeran Sarkar|Heart Touching Pothohari Shayari|Punjabi Poetry Watsapp Status|Punjabi New Kalam|

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Pothohari Shayari.

All images, Pictures, Music Show in the Vedio belongs to the respected owners.

This Channel Does Not Promote Any Illegal Content All Contents Provided By This Channel is meant for Musicals And Whatsapp Status Purposes Only

Copyright Disclaimer☆Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.

#punjabiwhatsappstatus #punjabikalam#punjabipoetry #sufianakalamstatus #punjabi #pothohari

Tajammul Kaleem Heart Touching New Poetry in Punjabi|Punjabi Sad Shayari Watsapp Status|Poetry Group

Tajammul Kaleem Heart Touching New Poetry in Punjabi|Punjabi Sad Shayari Watsapp Status|Poetry Group

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Punjabi Poetry..

اکھ کھولی تے دُکھان دے جال ویکھے
اُتوں ہنڈدے—— جندڑی نال ویکھے

اک دن سی ہجر دا —– سال ورگا
اسیں دن نئیں سالاں دے سال ویکھے

تُونہہ کیڑے دے رزق دی سوچ ربا
اسیں بُھکھ توں وکدے بال ویکھے

اسیں ویکھیا لہوُ دا رنگ۔۔۔۔۔ چٹا
اسیں پُھل کپاہواں دے لال ویکھے

میں نچیاں جگ دے سُکھ پاروں
سد بُلھے نوں میری دھمال ویکھے

ایس جھلے کلیم نوں۔۔۔۔ روک دلا
ایہنوں آکھ سُو ویلے دی چال ویکھے

All images, Pictures, Music Show in the Vedio belongs to the respected owners.

This Channel Does Not Promote Any Illegal Content All Contents Provided By This Channel is meant for Musicals And Whatsapp Status Purposes Only

Copyright Disclaimer☆Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.

tajammul kaleemTajammul kaleem punjabi poetrysufi kalamPoetry groupwhatsapp statusBest punjabi shayaripunjabi shayari statusPunjabi viral poetrytajammul kaleem poetrybest punjabi poetrynew punjabi shayari 2022Sad punjabi poetry heart touchingpunjabi dohray statuspunjabi dohray whatsapp statusnew punjabi dohrayPunjabi dohrayDohray punjabi status

Punjabi Sad Poetry Status|New Shayari punjabi|Punjabi Romantic Shayari Status|Punjabi kalam Status|

Punjabi Sad Poetry Status|New Shayari punjabi|Punjabi Romantic Shayari Status|Punjabi kalam Status|

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Punjabi Shayari..

All images, Pictures, Music Show in the Vedio belongs to the respected owners.

This Channel Does Not Promote Any Illegal Content All Contents Provided By This Channel is meant for Musicals And Whatsapp Status Purposes Only

Copyright Disclaimer☆Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing

#status#punjabishayaripunjabi heart touching shayari statuspunjabi super hit shayaripunjabi romantic poetryPunjabi poetrypunjabi shayari sadPunjabi status shayaripunjabi watsapp sad statuspunjabi new poetry 2023punjabi poetry whatsapp statuspoetry groupPunjabi shayarisad punjabi shayaribest punjabi poetrynew punjabi poetrynew punjabi shayaripunjabi shayari whatsapp status#kalampunjabi#sadpunjabishayari#punjabishayari

Dolat Ayeb Luka Lainde Ay|Punjabi Heart Touching Poetry|Punjabi Sad Shayari|New Punjabi Kalam Status

Dolat Ayeb Luka Lainde Ay|Punjabi Heart Touching Poetry|Punjabi Sad Shayari|New Punjabi Kalam Status

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Punjabi Shayari.

All images, Pictures, Music Show in the Vedio belongs to the respected owners.

This Channel Does Not Promote Any Illegal Content All Contents Provided By This Channel is meant for Musicals And Whatsapp Status Purposes Only

Copyright Disclaimer☆Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.

#punjabiwhatsappstatus #poetrygroup #punjabikalam #punjabishayariwhatsappstatus

Punjabi Heart Touching Poetry|Punjabi Emotional Shayari|Punjabi Poetry Status|Tajammul Kaleem Poetry

Punjabi Heart Touching Poetry|Punjabi Emotional Shayari|Punjabi Poetry Status|Tajammul Kaleem Poetry

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Punjabi Poetry..

ٹبہ ، ٹویا ۔ اک برابر
کریاں ، ہویا ۔ اک برابر

راتیں اکھ تے بدل وسے
چویا ، چویا ۔ اک برابر

قسمےسُن کے نیندر اڈی
سُتا ، مویا ۔ اک برابر

ماڑے گھر نوں بوھا کادھا؟
کھلا ، ڈھویا ۔۔ اک برابر

یار کلیما جوگی اگے
سپ گڈویا اک بابر

All images, Pictures, Music Show in the Vedio belongs to the respected owners.

This Channel Does Not Promote Any Illegal Content All Contents Provided By This Channel is meant for Musicals And Whatsapp Status Purposes Only

Copyright Disclaimer☆Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.

#punjabiwhatsappstatus #punjabikalam #punjabi #punjabihearttouchingstatus #shayari