English Best Motivational Status/Hindi Best Motivational Status/Success Status/#motivation #explore

English Best Motivational Status/Hindi Best Motivational Status/Success Status/#motivation #explore

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English Best Motivational Status/Hindi Best Motivational Status/Success Status/#motivation #explore

in this video:-

* May luck support you or not, but hard work definitely supports you..!!

* किस्मत साथ दे या न दे लेकिन मेहनत जरूर साथ देती हैं..!!

motivational quotes/motivational status video.


Be positive and be Change your life.

This success status all about Boys and Girls.??‍?

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English Best love Status/Hindi Best love Status/love Status/#love #explore #lovestatus #love_status

English Best love Status/Hindi Best love Status/love  Status/#love #explore #lovestatus #love_status

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English Best love Status/Hindi Best love Status/love Status/#love #explore #lovestatus #love_status

In this video:-

* Love is not about age
Love is not about rich or poor
But love is about respect care support
And Understand :

* प्यार उम्र का मोहताज नहीं होता
प्यार अमीर या गरीब के बारे में नहीं
है लेकिन प्यार सम्मान देखभाल
समर्थन के बारे में है और समझने :

love quotes/love status video.


This Motivational video all about Boys and Girls.??‍?

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English Best Motivational Status/Hindi Best Motivational Status/Success Status/#iloveyou #explore

English Best Motivational Status/Hindi Best Motivational Status/Success Status/#iloveyou #explore

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English Best Motivational Status/Hindi Best Motivational Status/Success Status/#iloveyou #explore #love_status

In this video:-

*I love you

Means That I Accept You For The Person You Are And That I Don’t Wish To Change You Into Someone Else
It Means That I Care Enough To Fight For What We Have And That I Love You Enough Not To Let You Go..

*मुझे तुमसे प्यार है
इसका मतलब यह है कि मैं आपको वैसे ही स्वीकार करता हूं जैसे आप हैं और मैं आपको किसी और में बदलना नहीं चाहता
इसका मतलब यह है कि हमारे पास जो कुछ है उसके लिए लड़ने के लिए मैं काफी परवाह करता हूं और मैं आपसे इतना प्यार करता हूं कि आपको जाने नहीं दूंगा..

motivational quotes/motivational status video.


Be positive and be Change your life.

This Motivational video all about Boys and Girls.??‍?

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English Best Motivational Status/Hindi Best Motivational Status/Success Status/#motivation #explore

English Best Motivational Status/Hindi Best Motivational Status/Success Status/#motivation #explore

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English Best Motivational Status/Hindi Best Motivational Status/Success Status/#motivation #explore

motivational quotes/motivational status video.




#girls #girl
















Be positive and be Change your life.

This Motivational video all about Boys and Girls.


English Best Motivational/Hindi Best Motivational/Success Status/#motivation #explore #quotes #best

English Best Motivational/Hindi Best Motivational/Success Status/#motivation #explore #quotes #best

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English Best Motivational/Hindi Best Motivational/Success Status/#motivation #explore #quotes #best

In this video:-

* One day you will be just a
Memory for some people.

Do your best to be
A good one.

*अपनी पूरी कोशिश करो
एक दिन आप कुछ लोगों के लिए सिर्फ एक याद बनकर रह जायेंगे।
बनने के लिए अपना सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रयास करें
एक अच्छी पहल।

motivational quotes/motivational status video.


Be positive and be Change your life.

This Motivational video all about Boys and Girls.??‍?

Don’t forget to Like / Subscribe ???

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99% Girls Not Agree… English Best Motivational Status/ Success Status/#motivation #explore #shorts

99% Girls Not Agree… English Best Motivational Status/ Success Status/#motivation #explore #shorts

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99% Girls Not Agree…English Best Motivational Status /Success Status/#motivation #explore #viral #explore #motivational #trending


* 99% Girls Not Agree…


* 99% लड़कियाँ सहमत नहीं…
“सुंदरता एक सुंदर चेहरा होने के बारे में नहीं एक सुंदर दिमाग, एक दिल और एक सुंदर आना होने के बारे में है। ”

#quotes #success #inspiration #inspirationa #reels#trending #motivated #motivate #life #successful #mindset #trending #motivations #hardwork #hustle #india #trending #mindset #hardwork #hustle #reel #explore #god #goals #life #lifechangingquotes #whatsappstatus #people #status #girlstatus
#girls_respect_status #love_whatsapp_status #love #love_status

motivational quotes/motivational status video.


Be positive and be Change your life.

This Motivational video all about Boys and Girls.??‍?

Thanks for watching❤️?❤️

English Best Motivational Status/Hindi Best Motivational Status/Success Status/#motivation #explore

English Best Motivational Status/Hindi Best Motivational Status/Success Status/#motivation #explore

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English Best Motivational Status/Hindi Best Motivational Status/Success Status/#motivation #explore


* Don’t start your day with
the broken pieces of yesterday.
Every day is a fresh start. Each day
is a new beginning. Every morning
we wake up is the first day of
our new life.

*अपने दिन की शुरुआत कल
के टूटे हुए टुकड़ों से न करें। हर
दिन एक नई शुरुआत है. प्रत्येक दिन
एक नई शुरुआत है. हर सुबह जब हम जागते है
तो वह हमारे नए जीवन का पहला
दिन होता है।

motivational quotes/motivational status video.


Be positive and be Change your life.

This Motivational video all about Boys and Girls.??‍?

Thanks for watching❤️?❤️

Value / English best motivational quotes #viral #shorts #status @progresstomotive

Value / English best motivational quotes #viral #shorts #status @progresstomotive

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Value / English best motivational quotes #viral #shorts #status @progresstomotive

In this video:-

* Value the person who give you time, it’s
not a just time,
They share a part of life with you.

* उस व्यक्ति की कद्र करो जो तुम्हें समय देता है, यही है

उचित समय नहीं,

वे आपके साथ जीवन का एक हिस्सा साझा करते हैं।