Evo would rather be far away and forget what happened to him….It hurts but he needs to forget and atleast breathe….He wants to have peace of mind so that he can help himself from disappointment…But he left a promise that when he returns he will open his heart for Joshua whom he has loved for a long time. But what if when he left he met someone he didn’t think would give him a strange smile and bring him happiness?
Is he ready to fall in love again? But to whom will he open his heart again? To the person who sacrificed for him for a long time or to someone he doesn’t even know?
Rod Grande COrpuz as Aedan
Jay Salvador as EVo
Cris Jay Cabides as Joshua
Vergel Madlangbayan as Oliver
Greg Martin as Alfred
Edzbonggastar as Pearly
Aaron Gerodias as Sofie
Cristopher Palma as Maine
Written and Directed by
Mayumi Layne Villar
Soaring by Ghostrifter Official
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
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• Soaring – Ghostri…
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