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For now, you can’t change the thFor now, you can’t change the thumbnail on your Shortumbnail on your For now, you can’t change the thumbnail on your Short now, you can’t change For now, you caFor now, you can’t change the thumbnail on your Shortn’t change the thumbnail on yourFor now, you can’t change the thumbnail on your Short Shortthe thumbnail on your ShortForFor now, youFor now, you can’t change the thFor now, you can’t change the thumbnail on your Shortumbnail on your Short can’t change the thumbnail on your Short now, you can’t change the thumbnail on your ShortFor now, you can’t change the thumbnail on your ShortForFor now, you can’t change the thumbnail on your Short noFor now, yoFor now, you can’t change the thumbnail on your Shortu can’t change the thumbnail on your Shortw, you can’t change the thumbnail on your Short