Family planning was once an essential policy that prevented over-population, but still some people did not obey the rules…
【Movie Description】
Movie Title: Disturbance of Gan Quan Village
Starring: 薛淑杰(Xue Shujie)/ 刘廷尧(Liu Tingyao)/ 张帆(Zhang Fan)/ 张英(Zhang Ying)
Genres: Drama
Sister Da Rong, a young woman from Ganquan Village, already had two children when she discovered she was pregnant again. Upon learning this, the village chief, Liu Wulou, tried to take her for an abortion, but she escaped halfway. Enraged, Liu led a group to raid her home, and Da Rong, in desperation, knocked Liu’s son to the ground. Humiliated and furious, Liu immediately summoned his six sons to prepare for revenge. Upon hearing this, Zeng Zhi, the director of the township family planning committee, rushed to prevent the situation from worsening. Later, despite the insults from Sister Da Rong and the villagers’ lack of understanding, Zeng Zhi persistently and enthusiastically continued to work with her. Eventually, Sister Da Rong came to her senses and changed her misconceptions about family planning. She even began to voluntarily promote family planning, helping many women in Ganquan Village to break free from their old beliefs.
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