Tu Hovein Main hovan _ Full Movie | New Punjabi Movie 2023 Punjabi Movies 2023 | New Punjabi Movie

Tu Hovein Main hovan _ Full Movie  | New Punjabi Movie 2023 Punjabi Movies 2023 | New Punjabi Movie

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Balbir Bira Presents New Punjabi Movie _ Tu Hovein Main Hovan

Balbir Bira Presents New Punjabi Movie _ Tu Hovein main hovan
u Hovein Main Hovan

Tu Hovein Main Hovan is a romantic comedy about two couples; Garry and Kelly and Sukhi and Tania. While Sukhi and Tania are madly in love and want to get married, Garry and Kelly are married with kids. As working parents they try to juggle their domestic responsibilities and working career but the day-today grind takes a toll and they decide to separate. As Garry and Kelly contemplate separating, their kids try various tricks to make them fall in love again. Looking at Garry and Kelly’s situation, Sukhi and Tania have second thoughts about getting married themselves. Will Garry and Kelly divorce each other? Will Sukhi and Tania finally get married? The film explores thru various comic situations, the challenges couples face before and after marriage.
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