अंधकार से ज्योति में, यीशु ने बुलाया
कार्य को उसके ही, दिखलाने है बचाया
कैसा है यह सौभाग्य!, कैसा है अनोखा प्यार!
तेरी ज्योति मैंने जो पाई है, इसलिए मैं तेरे संग संग चलूँगा
ज्योति मुझे तू ने ठहरायी है- 2
जहाँ भी हूँ मैं तो चमकूँगा, जीऊँगा यीशु
2. पाप की गन्दगी से, मुझे है छुड़ाया
गले लगा कर ही, मुझे है अपनाया
कैसी है यह फिरौती! कैसा है अनोखा प्यार!
3. पवित्र ही रहने को, मुझे है बुलाया
यीशु को महिमा देने को, मुझे है बनाया
कैसी है महान योजना! कैसा है अनोखा प्यार!
Lyrics: Paul & Christy Mathews
Leading vocals: Iyob Mavchi and Shalom Naik
Kripa Wilson, Arushi, Khushi, Sarah B Joseph, Nanma Mathew
Drums: Benjamin Mathew
Electric Guitar: Febin
On Lead Guitar: Himanshu Lohar
On Acoustic Guitar: Snehal Elpass
On Keys: Evan Abraham
Backing vocals: FYM team
Programming & Orchestration: Shalom Naik
Mix and Master: Naveen S
Vocals Recorded at Eternity Studios, Udaipur
Sound Engineer : Vinod Vasave
Video Production: Eternity Studios
Video Location: Video Floor, Eternity Studios
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Filadelfia Music exists to help you worship God in Spirit and in truth. An arm of the Filadelfia Fellowship Church of India, Filadelfia Music produces Hindi gospel music and Hindi Christian worship songs for the glory of God. Filadelfia Music believes that songs help you to worship but worship is more than songs or music, it is a 24/7 lifestyle and so is not to be limited to any space or stage. It is written, “Whatever you do, do all for the glory of God” (1 Cor 10:31). As we obey this it becomes our worship, and the sound of heaven resounds in our homes and our streets.
#hindiworshipsong #hindichristiansong #JesusSongs #FiladelfiaMusic
#andhkarsejyotimein #christiansongs #secondcoming
Copyright © Filadelfia Music 2023 | All Rights Reserved | Any unauthorized broadcasting, public performance, copying or rerecording of this music or video without prior written permission from Filadelfia Music will constitute an infringement of copyright.
Download Video and Mp3 Song ANDHKAR SE JYOTI MEIN | अंधकार से ज्योति में | NEW HINDI CHRISTIAN SONG | FILADELFIA MUSIC
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