A DOGGONE ADVENTURE | Full Family Adventure Dog Movie

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Murphy, an amazing pup with special telepathic abilities, escapes a government lockdown and runs straight into the loving arms of two young brothers. But the Washington brass won’t give up their secret weapon that easily. The boys and their school buddies must hide their gifted four-legged friend from helicopters, drones, and an FBI task force charged with returning the pint-size Jack Russell Terrier at all costs. Can this unexpected team of heroes, armed with only their wits, their bikes, and a strong bond with Murphy, channel the real spirit of Christmas to save the day?

Starring; Dominique Swain, Rib Hillis , Lauren Parkinson , Amy Holt, “Just Jesse the Jack”
Directed by Jim Wynorski
#ADoggoneAdventure #freemovies

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Download Movie A DOGGONE ADVENTURE | Full Family Adventure Dog Movie

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