THE SWITCH (Movie, Full Length, Thriller, English, Feature Film) free full movies online

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– THE SWITCH: Full Length Movie, Thriller, Action, English.

Actors: Damian Chapa, Rachel Hunter, Stacy Keach, Ralph Moeller, Robert Wagner
Directors: Damian Chapa
Run Time: 94 minutes

Tara, a middle-aged painter from Georgia suddenly loses her husband Claude (Stacy Keach). Claude s sudden death leads Tara on a search for a new beginning. She decides to leave Georgia and her family to follow her dream of becoming a bohemian artist. Tara arrives in Venice Beach,CA. She meets a handsome younger named Stephen (Damian Chapa) who takes her on an exiciting journey through love and companionship. Tara falls in love a little too quick and a little too hard. She then discovers Stephen has been hustling her out of her small fortune. Through an exciting tale of wit and mind games, Tara with the aid of a slippery attorney (Robert Wagner) and his assistant (Rachel Hunter), make Stephen pay back his debts again and again and again…

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Download Movie THE SWITCH (Movie, Full Length, Thriller, English, Feature Film) free full movies online