O Tumpa Sona | Dance Funny Video |ft suvo&prerana piyali | Rest in প্রেম | music stand | item somg

O Tumpa Sona | Dance Funny Video |ft suvo&prerana  piyali | Rest in প্রেম | music stand | item somg
O Tumpa Sona | Dance Funny Video |ft suvo&prerana  piyali | Rest in প্রেম | music stand | item somg

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hey this is music stand present tumpa sona dance video.we creat a funny video .song name o tumpa sona bangla .
d.o.p – Uttam Sar
Play By – suvo & prerana, piyali
direct by – MUSIC STAND TEAM
Producer – Monisha Koley
special thanks to subham, piyali , kartik , modhu , bappa , gulsen , tonka ,gobinda , putka

such a great team member we have thank you for participants

original song tumpa sona confused picture
such a great song by confused picture and video

original songvideo link –
go and watch this by the link

thank you for playing the video make sure you are one of MUSIC STAND TEAM member for this subscribe our channel and also press the bell icon for notification

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for contact information mail us to – sumancr7r@gmail.com or wp on -9735624368
thank you so much

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