KING DAVID | The entire movie for children in English | TOONS FOR KIDS | EN

KING DAVID | The entire movie for children in English | TOONS FOR KIDS | EN
KING DAVID | The entire movie for children in English | TOONS FOR KIDS | EN

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KING DAVID | The entire movie for children in English | TOONS FOR KIDS | EN.
King David is the story of a Shepard King anointed by the Lord to succeed Saul for his disobedience. David wins many battles before one day falling in love with Bathsheba — the wife of one of his officers. Together, their union produces a son who will oneday grow up to become Solomon the Great…



Download Movie KING DAVID | The entire movie for children in English | TOONS FOR KIDS | EN

Motivational Video in Hindi -Friendship

Motivational Video in Hindi -Friendship
Motivational Video in Hindi -Friendship

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This motivational video in Hindi is about the friendship . I’ve always felt that true friendship is very important. The old saying “a friend in need is a friend indeed” goes a long way. True friends will always be there for you and you can always count on them, so my favourite thing to make video about is always friendship.