Amami dolce zia 1971 Italian Full Movie | Chaleurs

Amami dolce zia 1971 Italian Full Movie | Chaleurs
Amami dolce zia 1971 Italian Full Movie | Chaleurs

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A coming of age story. Philippe, passionate about photography, spends holidays in the domain of his uncle André and his aunt Nadia. The aunt gives him a camera, which he uses to take pictures of her in very intimate moments. Philippe’s thirst for his aunt prompted him to come up with a plan to use the maid, Chantal , to get his uncle’s attention. Philippe meanwhile also desires his well-equipped uncle and looks forward to his naked uncle. Philippe spying through the keyholes, takes pictures of Nadia without her knowing, when she gets dressed, while convincing Chantal to pose nude for him and to use the pictures and arouse her uncle’s interest, finally manages to its climax, His plot works and he wins his prize…

Movie: Amami dolce zia (Chaleurs)

Director: Daniel Daert

Starring: Patrice Pascal
Alice Arno
Gérard-Antoine Huart
Karine Jeantet

Writer: Daniel Daert

Release Date: April 21, 1971

Download Movie Amami dolce zia 1971 Italian Full Movie | Chaleurs