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Sonu sharma Motivational video
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पैसे सम्हालना आसान है मगर by Sonu Sharma | Motivational Speech | Motivational Video




पैसे सम्हालना आसान है मगर by Sonu Sharma | Motivational Speech | Motivational Video This is motivational video with speech of sonu sharma. He talk about to live down to earth. He tell that it is easy to care of money but tough to care about self honour. Sonu sharma motivation is very powerfull motivation for student. Motivational video by sonu sharma encourage people to live positively. #SonuSharma #SonuSharmaMotivation #MotivationBySonuSharma #MotivationalStory #SonuSharmaMotivationalVideo #MotivationOfSonuSharma #EducatedMotivation Sonu Sharma is the founder of DYNAMIC INDIA GROUP (INDIA). An Author, Educator, Business Consultant and a successful Entrepreneur, he is a much sought-after speaker. Today he is one of the Youngest Inspirational Speaker in India He inspires and encourages individuals to realize their true potential.

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