DHARTI (ਧਰਤੀ) – Punjabi Full Movie | Jimmy Sheirgill | Surveen Chawla | Rannvijay Singh | Rahul Dev

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DHARTI (ਧਰਤੀ) – Punjabi Full Movie | Jimmy Sheirgill | Rannvijay Singh | Surveen Chawla | Rahul Dev

Starring Jimmy Shergill and Surveen Chawla, Dharti is a political thriller based on the family system of political leadership followed all around Punjab. When the race for Punjab’s Chief Minister turns personal with the current Deputy CM’s son getting murdered, a blood war seems impending. Amidst this frenzy, Squadron Leader Jasdeep Singh Wadala the prodigal son of the Deputy CM returns to find out the reality behind his brother’s death. How the young politician reaches the perpetrator with all the parties involved, is what gives the plot a suspenseful and very entertaining ending.

Movie – Dharti (2011)
Genre – Drama/Crime Thriller
Cast – Jimmy Sheirgill, Rannvijay Singh, Surveen Chawla, Rahul Dev, Prem Chopra, Jaspal Bhatti
Director – Navaniat Singh
Music – Jaidev Kumar

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Download Movie DHARTI (ਧਰਤੀ) – Punjabi Full Movie | Jimmy Sheirgill | Surveen Chawla | Rannvijay Singh | Rahul Dev