Photo ID. Russian Movie. StarMedia. Melodrama. English Subtitles

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When Ania and Vlad married they were impoverished students living in Moscow, surviving on love alone. Now five years on, they both have prestigious jobs and live in a nice flat. Although Vlad gives Ania expensive gifts and treats her to exotic holidays, she believes that their feelings towards each other have died, and so she leaves for Kiev on the pretence of a business trip but actually to put some distance between them while sorting out her feelings. Ania finds Kiev in May a romantic city – with dazzling spring colours, blooming chestnut trees, the intoxicating smell of lilac, cobbled streets offering romantic walks and a handsome young photographer whom she keeps bumping into. They become acquainted and soon find they have a lot in common. Ania fancies herself in love but when her husband comes to visit her in Kiev, Ania has to decide whether to plunge into a new romance or try to find new depths in her old relationship.

Type: film
Genre: melodrama
Year of production: 2013
Duration: 90 minutes
Directed by: Maksim Mekheda
Written by: Aliona Semenova
Production designer: Aleksandr Zaslavskiy
Director of photography: Svyatoslav Bulakovskiy
Music by: Vladimir Kripak
Producers: Larisa Zhuravska, Vlad Ryashin
Cast: Yulia Mavrina, Eldar Lebedev, Ivan Bezborodov, Lyubava Greshnova, Peter Krylov

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Download Movie Photo ID. Russian Movie. StarMedia. Melodrama. English Subtitles