【ENG】Be a Real Hero | Costume Movie | Action Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH

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【Chinese Name】《#大侠别胡来》
【Starring】 国依铭 / Guo Yiming
【Synopsis】Hu Lai is a homeless man in Linshui County, relying on his peerless martial arts to protect the local security, but his vulgar character is disgusted by the local people. With the help of Chen Hanming, Hu Lai got rid of his bad habits, prevented a robbery, and became a popular civilian hero. However, Hu Lai was retaliated by Leng Yue, the leader of the gang Weihutang.
#大侠别胡来 #BeaRealHero #ChinaMovieChannelENGLISH #ChineseMovie #martialarts #costume #action #chinesecostumedrama #wushu

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Download Movie 【ENG】Be a Real Hero | Costume Movie | Action Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH